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Widget with data/info from phone acceleration sensors (clinometer) #18776

Open mariush444 opened 6 months ago

mariush444 commented 6 months ago

Describe the idea (required)

Can you add pitch and roll info in widget? It would be very useful for off-road and mountain bike profile.

Tell us about the expected behaviour (required)

It could be presented as digit in degrees for roll and digit in degrees for pitch. Values can be shown for current values, average in 1 sec, average in 3 sec (in settings of widget)

Additional settings in widget are needed for zero/tare After mounting phone in holder (in car, on bike) there is need to click something (in widget) to set the current measurement as zero pitch and roll, to make incremental measurement with respect to the mounted position.

Generally, no graphical presentation is needed but I can imagine that it can be implemented similar to "radius ruler" circle with info on the circumference of the circle and horyzont with data inside the circle.

Tell us about alternatives you've considered (required)

I use other app as clinometer but dividing screen with osmand is rather no to much useful.

Context (optional)

No response

mikehgentry commented 6 months ago

So much the better if you can log it to points on a GPX, then you could probably admire your cornering on Golden Cheetah or something :)

Acceleration might be good too (assuming phones log that - I suppose you can work it out from speed anyway, but probably less granular).

sjvudp commented 2 months ago

Can you add pitch and roll info in widget? It would be very useful for off-road and mountain bike profile.

Have you ever tried to read those sensors during a bumpy ride? I doubt they provide useful data unless filtered significantly, but the the value of the "current values" may not be very useful any more...