osmandapp / OsmAnd

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OMC gpx -> obf #18866

Open mariush444 opened 6 months ago

mariush444 commented 6 months ago

is it possible to add support for style of tracks and points?

./utilities.sh convert-gpx-to-obf xxxxx creates tracks as a very thin red line and track points as red circle with small white star.

It would be nice to have possibility to create tracks with defined width and color as an option. Track point should be the same as define in gpx (icon and color)

vshcherb commented 6 months ago

To do: We need to convert color from GPX and icons (from GPX OsmAnd format), so it look identical as GPX and as OBF

brad10281 commented 5 months ago

If you add extensions to each track in the GPX file, it will keep the color when converting to OBF. However, I was not able to get the width to change.

Example: `

#00842b 10
  <trkpt lat="44.486968014389277" lon="-85.290206596255302" />
  <trkpt lat="44.486643970012665" lon="-85.290624769404531" />


mariush444 commented 5 months ago

Finally I got the same result. Reddit ;)

DmitryAlexei commented 4 months ago

2 tasks:

brad10281 commented 2 weeks ago

Any update here? I would love the ability to change the width of the track in the resulting obf file. Are there any other ways to accomplish this?

sonora commented 2 weeks ago

Issue #19892 deals with rhe 'Waypoint' appearance (color/icon) portion of this question and seems currently 'work in progress'.

I am not aware of any activity about the track width, though. It would be coding similarly to what has recently been achieved here: https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/issues/20051