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Replace ZXing Barcode app #19271

Open alr86 opened 3 months ago

alr86 commented 3 months ago

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ZXing not installable in Android14 to share location with QRCode, also this software is rarely updated, please use another software or add built-in QR Generator.

ferromint commented 3 months ago

I agree with your suggestion.

I would go even further than replacing if there is no "generate QR code intent" in Android to not "bake in" a specific QR code generator app link decided by the developers but let the users of a device choose which app already installed on the device they want to use.

If the implementation of this more flexible feature is not feasible then I would suggest to remove this hard-coded ZXing QR link / button entirely.

@alr86 in any case: There is a way to achieve the same thing (at least on Android 13) highlighted in the screenshots. If you do it that way, then you can even decide which text you want to generate a QR code of:

share button 1 copy share button 2 QR code generator
vshcherb commented 2 months ago

To do delete QR code option in 4.7.

sonora commented 2 months ago

The ZXing library is rather small, it's open source, and it works well. We could simply integrate it. (The Android 14 issue is only with the standalone app, not with the library.)