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Search issue in Clayton #19290

Open Raycock2 opened 4 months ago

Raycock2 commented 4 months ago


These two photos are of the same place. One with your software and one with openstreetmap. The openstreetmap is correct but your software is showing a different city. None of the business on NC-42 in Clayton are in Wilson's Mills.

Steps to reproduce

Search anything in Clayton, NC along NC-42 and it will come back Wilson's Mills. This is not shown in Openstreetmap. It is showing correctly.

Actual result

Different city.

Expected result

When search for things in Clayton, NC, I expect to get back things in Clayton, NC not Wilson's Mills, NC

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yuriiurshuliak commented 4 months ago

The bug has been reproduced. I reproduced this issue specifically on iOS, as it doesn't occur on Android where Wilson's Mills is not indicated, despite live updates. You can review the OSRM link here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/11519317897#map=19/35.64863/-78.39307 and the web version link here: https://test.osmand.net/map/#18/35.64873/-78.39337.

OsmAnd~ 4.7.0#1802m, released: 2024-03-11

Android iOS OSRM
vshcherb commented 4 months ago

To do: iOS code should be synced with Android, so the issue is gone