osmandapp / OsmAnd

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North is up (locked) does not lock north #19694

Open MikeTango opened 1 month ago

MikeTango commented 1 month ago


The map view mode "North is up (locked)" does not lock north

Steps to reproduce

View map in "North is up (locked)" mode and do a two finger rotation motion

Actual result

Map rotates

Expected result

Map stays locked to north

Your Environment (required)

WARNING Crash-Logs MAY contain information you deem sensitive. Review this CAREFULLY before posting your issue!

OsmAnd Version: latest
Android/iOS version: Android 11
Device model: Any (China droid thing and Samsung Tablet)
Crash-Logs: ?
TheSnoozer commented 1 month ago

Sounds related to https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/issues/19680

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

There is no mode "locked" there is only mode <string name="rotate_map_north_opt">North is up</string>. Not sure where the wrong name comes from

MikeTango commented 1 month ago

The german version says "fest" - fixed. It is really easy to accidentally rotate the map while hiking or in the car and there is no option to complete lock it.

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

Ok we will fix description as it's not correct, Fixed mode requires separate setting to turn on in General Settings.

MikeTango commented 1 month ago

If you are referring to this one, it does not lock north. I can still accidentally rotate the map.

sonora commented 1 month ago

Perhaps also the solution per se we have now with this singular "extra setting" is umfortunate: Because only when this :extra setting is checked can you rely on the fact that you do not by zooming accidentally / unnoticed leave the "North is up" mode and end up in "Manually rotated". While out-of-the-box all other map orientation modes 'survive' zooming operations without the users first having to find and set such an extra setting...

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

This fix is not correct as we plan to live without that setting but we plan to change orientation modes to have first Manually rotated and last North is up Fixed. I don't think we plan to disable zoom gestures however there is no decision yet. It's too cumbersome and the setting is not good either

sonora commented 1 month ago

@vshcherb Yes, sounds like a plan. :wink:

I guess what we can take away from all the feedback is

  1. A significant number of users rely on North being up, so that should remain the out-of-the-box default for Map viewing.
  2. Users get mad at leaving a Map orientation mode accidentally, so the modes must be reasonably stable and 'survive' all sorts of operations users perform on the map screen when viewing/zooming the map.
vshcherb commented 1 month ago

Not sure if we reached agreement, default will still be Manual orientation with by default North up (not fixed), only 4th mode will be North is Up (fixed). So moving to the 4 orientation mode won't be a setting but a standard option.

sonora commented 1 month ago

Yeah, but can we make (keep) "North is up" as the default for the Map viewing Profile? Because having "Manually rotated" as the out-of-the-box default for map viewing would throw many users off, I guess...

I am unclear about the target scenario now, is it presented somewhere? Is the plan to distinguish between a "North is up" and a "North is up Fixed", that seems very clumsy?

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

Nope I guess, there is a major group of users including me that need to freely rotate map to enjoy specific view (to put streets according to view) and especially enjoy 3D. I always rotate to view hills in 3D in front of me. Though again it's very specific to user needs.

sonora commented 1 month ago

Yes, but for that group you're talking we exactly have the "Manually rotated" mode, and for the other group we have the "North is up" mode. So we perfectly cater for all. And the entire problem was simply caused (on that very day I caught it and opened the first issue about itt) when we allowed -without sufficent threshold- to accidentally and by some even unnoticed) slip from one of the modes to the other...

In my mind the proper fix is to keep the modes sufficiently stable, so that common map interaction like panning/zooming does not inadvertently slip you into another map orientation mode

If you don't like the twist threshold we used to have before you leave the North is up mode, then probably the next best solution is to allow leaving the North is up mode only via explicit menu interaction.

ferromint commented 4 weeks ago

@vshcherb and team: Thank for finally providing us with a possibility to actually really lock the orientation in the North is up orientation modes where it really does make sense!

I agree with @sonora that the North is up mode with the new Enable Fixed North Up toggle now enables (hopefully) all the ways in which users of OsmAnd might want to interact with the map.

Most of the time when just browsing the map (not while navigating / driving in a car with the Movement direction mode) I am using the North is up mode and I am happy from now on to no longer accidentally / unintentionally turn the map 🎉

But even I sometimes deliberately switch to the Manually rotated mode by clicking on the orientation mode button. E.g. when looking around in 3D trying to identify the names of mountain peaks form my current viewpoint by visually matching the shape / silhouette of mountain ranges. Or when twisting the map in 2D mode to point into my actual viewing direction (not relying on the slightly wrong compass measurements).

My opinion regarding the default value or sort order of the orientation modes: As long as the above-mentioned new possibility to explicitly (not accidentally) change orientation mode exists, I think the default value or cycling order is not that important for "pro" users. It should be something intuitive / widespread in other map applications so that new users are not confused by unexpected behavior.

One minor missing but important thing is that the Map orientation modes doc gets updated too (at least a link to the new Profiles > Other > Enable Fixed North Up feature).

At the moment it still reads as follows:

North is up - The map is fixed in the direction of the North, which is the top edge of your device. The map does not have automatic rotation, but you can rotate it manually with a two-pointer gesture (two-finger touch & rotate). In this case, the map orientation mode will change to Manual rotation.

EugeneZmeuk commented 3 weeks ago


MikeTango commented 3 weeks ago


vshcherb commented 2 weeks ago
sonora commented 2 weeks ago

...the clumsiness of our doc wording reflects the clumsiness of our solution...

(just couldn't resist posting this, please forgive me ... 😉 😉 😉 )

scaidermern commented 2 weeks ago

...the clumsiness of our doc wording reflects the clumsiness of our solution...


I still don't get why the "North is up (fixed)" isn't fixed and allows manual rotations.

Any (good) reason to make it non-fixed? I don't have any.

What about making it (finally) fixed, without this ugly setting hidden at some place where nobody will find it. Just make it fixed. If the user still tries to rotate the map, present a toast with a short message "Map orientation is locked. To rotate the map, choose a different map orientation setting". That's it, everybody will be happy. Easy solutions for easy problems, don't make it so hard :)

shurasmiling commented 1 week ago
MikeTango commented 1 week ago

Thanks for listening to your users. This is what makes FLOSS Software superior.