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Separation of length/horizontal distance and elevation units #20009

Open CharlieFlySwat opened 1 month ago

CharlieFlySwat commented 1 month ago

Describe the idea (required)

Add the ability to select one set of units horizontal distances and a different unit for elevation. This would better suit countries with a mixed implementation of the metric system. For example, Canadians use km for driving distances, but largely still use feet for elevation (a current aviation holdover).

Tell us about the expected behaviour (required)

Ideally: in the "Units & formats" section in "General settings: have both a "Units of length" selection, and a "Units of elevation" selection. This would then be able to show driving distances in kilometers, upcoming turns in meters, and the elevation in feet.

Tell us about alternatives you've considered (required)

A not ideal, but maybe easier to implement work around would be to just add a new option in the "Units of length" for "Kilometers/feet" (similar to the existing Miles/meters option". This would actually be a nice option even if there was a separate unit selection for elevation, as Canadians, for some reason, still measure small distances in feet more commonly than in meters.

Context (optional)

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vshcherb commented 1 month ago

Introducing kilometers / feet sounds much easier approach to implement if it's sufficient