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Feature request: Required speed widget #20634

Open mikehgentry opened 1 month ago

mikehgentry commented 1 month ago

Describe the idea

In a fair few situations you are trying to arrive somewhere by a given time. It'd be useful to have a 'Required speed' widget which tells you how fast you need to be going to get there.

Expected behaviour

Tap on the widget and it opens a dialogue box. Type in a time.

If you have a route from now on, the widget displays the speed you would have to go along it to get to the destination on time. I would think recalculation every 10 seconds would be fine and presumably not very expensive.

When you arrive, it returns to some blank state "-:--" (which you can also switch it to with a 'clear' button or something in the dialogue box).

edit: an obvious extension to this would be to handle intermediates. Something simple like tapping the widget opening the simple time dialogue if there are no intermediates, but if there are, tapping it opening a menu to select which intermediate you want to specify a time for. Presumably then you'd have a 'speed to next' and 'speed to final destination' version of the widget.

Another possible extension could be audible alarms, either when the time elapses or a configurable amount of time beforehand.

Alternatives you've considered

You can calculate it in your head, but I'm not very good at mental arithmetic, so would rather not.

You can rely on the arrival time widget, but this can be pretty inaccurate as you deviate away from your specified average speed (say, riding up / down hills, carrying loads, waiting for other members of your group).


No response

mikehgentry commented 1 month ago

Please explain, what's the objection?

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

I think people don't like it cause it incline to speeding issue. I don't think it would work cause we have stable penalties for road obstacles such as traffic signals so calculating reverse speed wouldn't make any sense

mikehgentry commented 1 month ago

We're talking about average speed, so road obstacles aren't really a factor.

The legitimate use for this is something like bike touring - if I leave lunch now I need to do 10 mph to get to my destination in time, and if I wait half an hour my required speed goes up, but by how much? It's a calculation I'm constantly doing in my head, which is kind of stupid because I have a computer right in front of me that ought to be doing it for me.

I don't see how it's materially any different than estimating the time of arrival - if it's after you want to arrive, you speed up. Isn't that equal inducement to speeding? It's just a different way of representing the same situation.

And need I point out that you have speed cameras on the map - what proportion of your users do you think use those for whatever legitimate purpose, rather than to facilitate getting away with speeding?

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

Cycling / walking is legitimate use case of course. Though there is a workaround for walking, you setup default speed and that's speed used for calculation of ETA and also you have Average speed widget + average ETA (marker), so it looks cumbersome but you can achieve what you want by tracking average speed (Time of Arrival based on Average speed) + planned speed (Planned Time of Arrival)

vshcherb commented 1 month ago

I mean the simplest workaround is to speed up and see whether you're ok with changed ETA, then you just need to maintain that speed. And that's what's already present with ETA of the marker on average speed

mikehgentry commented 1 month ago

Bike tourers think lots in terms of average MPH. It's one of the things you think about most. Can I ease off, or do I need to push more? You can definitely work it out as you go along, but ideally we shouldn't have to - that's time or mental load that I'd rather be offloaded to the computer.

And the ETA system is unfortunately useless while you're stationary. I'd be able to see the speed I need to do ticking up if I was sitting there in a pub, and I'd probably get going sooner :-)

Thank you for reopening the issue - as always, I appreciate that it's possible to have reasonable conversations about things in this project .

dmpr0 commented 1 month ago

We already have widget Time to destination that can show Arrival time or Time to go, it can be placed right to Current speed widget to get the mostly same result.