osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Multiple favorites cannot be managed #20813

Open gpsvisualizer opened 2 months ago

gpsvisualizer commented 2 months ago


The online documentation (https://osmand.net/docs/user/personal/favorites/) says that it is possible to alter many favorites at once: "Tap the Delete (bin icon on Android) or the Edit button (pencil icon on iOS) to open a selection mode with options such as Move to a Favorite Group, Share, Change Color, and Delete. You can then select points or groups and perform the required action."

This does not appear to be true. If I tap the bin icon, I can select multiple favorites, but the ONLY action I can perform is deleting them. I cannot change their appearance or move them to a different folder.

So either the help is wrong, or the program has a bug.

Steps to reproduce

Go to My Places; tap the bin icon; select any number of favorites.

Actual result

The only action that can be performed is "Delete" (another bin icon).

Expected result

According to the help, there should be "options such as Move to a Favorite Group, Share, Change Color, and Delete."

Your Environment (required)

OsmAnd Version: 4.9.0 Android/iOS version: Android 12 Device model: Google Pixel 4a

vshcherb commented 2 months ago

It's different for iOS / Android versoin. To not create a different help structure for both version, it has single topic about bulk editing, however Android editing is limited only to "Add to markers" and "Delete". Edit is possible only per folder in android, however this screen soon should be redesigned Android / iOS to provided common functionality

gpsvisualizer commented 2 months ago

As a workaround, is there a way to import favorites into the "Personal" folder? In the exported GPX files, these have no "type" tag; but upon import, waypoints with no type seem to go into a new folder named after the import file.