osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Make airport searches search for terminals, not the center of the area including runways #3210

Open elgaard opened 7 years ago

elgaard commented 7 years ago

Airports are ususally tagged as aeroway=aerodrome on a huge area than includes the runways, terminal building, parking lots etc.

If you want to drive to an airport, and search for the airport in Osmand (by name or by transportation/airport) and use the result as the destination, Osmand will use the center of the airport which is oftern many km from where you would actually want to go - which usually is to the departure area of an airport terminal, or maybe the parking lot next to the terminal.

And worse, if Osmand do take you to the opposite side of the airport it can be very difficult and time consuming to get to the terminal because there are no roads going that way.

I think it is reasonable to expect that if I tell Osmand to take me to e.g., Copenhagen Airport, then it will take me to where the terminals are. Instead Osmand once took me to Flyvergrillen http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/173525958 . Which is a good spot to watch airplanes, but useless if you want to get inside an airplane.

I propose that transportation/airport and name searches for airports prioritize aeroway=terminal over aeroway=aerodrome.

xmd5a2 commented 7 years ago

Observation: there is no special tag for "departure zone" in OSM (at least I can't find it). Often distance between terminals more than several kilometers and there are several parking areas near every of them. Look at Sheremetyevo airport http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=55.9732965738277&lon=37.4143433899154&mlat=55.9732965738277&mlon=37.4143433899154&zoom=15 or at your example. Also there is no standard way to distinguish cargo terminals from passenger ones except "name" tag.

elgaard commented 7 years ago

Even in the Moscow example I think it is clear that you would like to arrive from south, not north.

You might have a boarding pass telling you that you want terminal D,E, or F. But even if you do not, getting to the general area is good enough. There will be signs helping you the last stretch.

But if you go from e.g. 56.0889, 37.3569 to Sheremetyevo International Airport with Mapzen: http://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=mapzen_car&route=56.0889%2C37.3569%3B55.9733%2C37.4148#map=12/56.0331/37.4055

then you could miss your flight.

ORSM get it right by coincidence in this case.

xmd5a2 commented 7 years ago

Looks like OSRM just don't route through access=private etc. but Mapzen does https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=osrm_car&route=56.0889%2C37.3569%3B55.9741%2C37.4153#map=14/55.9742/37.4307

zyphlar commented 1 year ago

Likely the same issue in the closed #12583 -- routers just don't know how to pick a good coordinate, and I have no clue how osm.org is picking the coordinates it picks.


elgaard commented 1 year ago

osm.org is not any better. If you just type in e.g., "Tårnby" as from and "Copenhagen Airport" as to, you get this https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=fossgis_osrm_car&route=55.6282%2C12.5998%3B55.6091%2C12.6510#map=13/55.6124/12.6271

Which is horrible.

Actually Mapillary seems to use a computer better center of the Copenhagen Airport area, but still finds a bad route.

I also think it is not good that when you search for the exact names "Copenhagen Airport" or "Københavns Lufthavn" you get a lot of hotels, bars, restaurants, substations, bus stops, etc. before you get to the actual airport down the list.

Although I recommend anyone driving to Copenhagen Airport to pick the Burger King as the destination.

It could be that terminals should be tagged better. But they are not prioritized in searches. I only managed to find "Heatrow Terminal 5" because I knew it was named exactly like that, and even then the terminal was way down the list, which was strangely topped by "Premier Inn London Heathrow Airport Terminal 4".