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Routing: Handle highway=mini_roundabout the same way as junction=roundabout #3273

Open Rob6 opened 7 years ago

Rob6 commented 7 years ago

Currently the osm node highway=mini_roundabout is handled like a normal junction instead of a roundabout in routing with offline osm maps in Germany. But this is confusing since the instruction "turn left" is somewhat wrong and should be e.g. "enter the roundabout and take the 2nd exit".

hakuchi commented 7 years ago

But if you drive a large vehicle you can cross the center island and so this is a simple intersection. Also you can not use the mini roundabout to make a u-turn with a bus/truck!

The instruction on this intersection should be: "attention mini roundabout, turn left" so it can be used for car, truck, bus, bicycle

jf-simon commented 7 years ago

I agree. Also an warn symbol like maxspeed warning could be shown.

Rob6 commented 7 years ago

Oversized vehicles are allowed to cross the center island if traffic permits, correct. But that applies to less than 1 % of the traffic regarding the roundabouts with a passable center island I know (even articulated buses can pass). If regular traffic (and that includes hgv) can't pass the roundabout no such will be constructed because it's too dangerous.

I'd love to see a special hgv profile which allows to avoid certain streets (height/width restrictions), too.

The problem is people start remapping osm data because no roundabout instruction is given.

osMatt commented 7 years ago

OSRM actually decided that at simple roundabouts instructions with exit numbers are more difficult to understand than instructions like "at the roundabout, turn left" (https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/pull/2303). I see some benefits to that approach and mini-roundabouts very likely would fall in a "simple" category so I would advise against introducing instruction to e.g. take the 2nd exit. Having said this, I would still agree with @jf-simon and @hakuchi that some warning or more nuanced turn instruction would be helpful.

This is a little unrelated to the warning and I am not sure if this would have any unintended consequences, but maybe adding a (small) penalty in the routing.xml file when a passing a mini-roundabout node would also be helpful for more accurate time calculation.

sonora commented 7 years ago

It is almost a case-by-case decision, I have seen all varieties of mini-roundabouts. I am not sure there is a good general solution which would be an overall improvement.

greenbigfrog commented 6 years ago

Any progress on this?

ADepic commented 6 years ago

Okay, if this is a issue for big trucks, then make "at the mini-roundabout, take xyz exit" for car & bicycle (and maybe pedestrian) and make "at the mini roundabout, turn left" for truck and pedestrian.

This is probably a big improvement for most scenarios.

Also move extra navigation profiles to general settings please.

Treating mini-roundabouts as junctions can be confusing as the right of way is different for junctions then it is for mini-roundabouts, so this needs to be solved.

greenbigfrog commented 6 years ago

I like @ADepic 's approach.

Maybe even go so far and make it At the roundabout, turn left by taking xyz exit for car and bicycle.

Goodingn commented 5 years ago

Really really need exit number direction for these.

Typically (in UK) there is usually no signage for the exits, unlike roundabouts, so the name of the road is not sufficient to know which exit to take. Further, typically mini roundabouts are on minor roads, so the names of the roads on mapping aren't readily visible physically.

'Straight on' is usually not good enough either because, particularly with odd-numbered exits, the main through road has been re-directed from it's original straight path into the space the original junction to the side of the road occupied, to use that space. https://www.google.com/maps/@54.5462151,-1.5331619,3a,75y,304.55h,79.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgfuBd0-bIWEw0BC_bT-W-Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/54.54632/-1.53383


Not to mention where at the mini roundabout all three exits are to different named roads, OSMAnd still doesn't give direction:- https://www.google.com/maps/@54.5231404,-1.5449326,220m/data=!3m1!1e3 https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/54.52323/-1.54428


Mini roundabouts are driven a little like large roundabouts in that you have to give way to traffic already on, or indicating to cross your path.
