osmandapp / OsmAnd

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add specification of the custom sqlite format used by Osmand. #3393

Closed legrostdg closed 7 years ago

legrostdg commented 7 years ago

It would help inter-compatibility if the specification of the custom sqlite format used by Osmand could be published somewhere in the doc.

DFyson commented 7 years ago

This would be nice to have. Otherwise have to look through one of the building scripts such as https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-tools/blob/master/obf-generation/hillshade/gdal2tiles_gray2alpha_sqlite.py for the hillshade tile database generation.

vshcherb commented 7 years ago

The class responsible for this support is this https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/blob/master/OsmAnd/src/net/osmand/plus/SQLiteTileSource.java#L33. Though I think we could a small Readme.md file and show the table structure. OsmAnd basically supports "BigPlanet" format and slightly modified format in order to change zoom numbering. It also adds some columns to the format to support tile expiration and external url to download.

vshcherb commented 7 years ago

What needs to be done for this task is create a small Markdown table describing tables and colums we use. Short description from me:

OsmAnd sqlite is based on "Bigplanet sqlite" which was supported by MOBAC before OsmAnd. OsmAnd added couple of columns & tables to extend the format:

Table "info":

Table "tiles"

vshcherb commented 7 years ago

@sonora Could we please added to documentation or to MD file somewhere.

sonora commented 7 years ago

I will put this in a TechArticle on our web site, ok?

vshcherb commented 7 years ago


sonora commented 7 years ago

Ok, see here: http://osmand.net/help-online?id=technical-articles#OsmAnd_SQLite_Spec

It is not pretty yet, but that is work required in general on our overall style sheet or table setup used there.

But f there is a content issue, please let me know here.