osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Missing "leisure=pitch" tag for Table Tennis POI #3464

Open fho opened 7 years ago

fho commented 7 years ago

When I add a new POI and choose the label "Table tennis", Osmand tags the POI only with "sport=table_tennis.

wiki.openstreetmap.org (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:sport%3Dtable_tennis) says:

For a public table tennis table set a node Node and add leisure=pitch + sport=table_tennis.

Therefore Osmand should set these both tags instead of only sport=table_tennis.

I'm using OsmAnd+ 2.5.4.

vshcherb commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid OsmAnd is not fully functional editor in that case and on the other hand this missing tags could be always added by the OSM bot if they are necessary.

letypequividelespoubelles commented 3 years ago

I just had this issue too. I guess the issue is linked with #5958

The problem is : one adds guidepost or table tennis POI to OSM via OSMAnd, then with live update dl the map, but still can't see it on the map because it misses part of the tags. Were you able to understand why it doesn't work ?

Ping @Chumva , maybe you know how to deal with it ?

Thanks a lot

Chumva commented 3 years ago

It should be added in poi_types.xml - https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-resources/commit/2ce525936449461269eca6e64be836358d6e7a84. Probably @xmd5a2 can add this tags.

xmd5a2 commented 3 years ago

As Victor mentioned above OsmAnd is not a fully functional editor and it doesn't support tag presets with multiple tags.

Chumva commented 3 years ago

I agree, but one additional tag is possible to add via edit_tag2 edit_value2.

xmd5a2 commented 3 years ago

Problem is in fact that sport tags in OSM are actually additional and can be used not only with leisure=pitch but with leisure=stadium, leisure=sports_centre and so on. However now in OsmAnd sport tags are main tags. This was done because in early OSM years very very often sport was used without any main tags mentioned above. We couldn't automatically add leisure=pitch to sport because sometimes this will be false data. But as far as I see situation was changed and more than 93% of sport objects have main tags. So we need to think how to migrate sport tags from additional to main keeping backward compatibility. But adding a guidepost via preset will automatically add tourism=information tag. I just checked that. Screenshot_2021-04-06-20-35-47-523_net osmand plus