osmandapp / OsmAnd

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In navigation mode zoom fights with map-repositioning and auto-speed zoom #4138

Open harvey637 opened 7 years ago

harvey637 commented 7 years ago


while driving I love the map being positioned, so the car ist always on the same position in the map, this is the normal and wanted behaviour. Also I like, that depending on the speed at slow speeds the map is zoomed in, as it is likely, that a change in direction is ahead or mor details are interesting. (But I still prefer a much larger zoom while driving on a motorway, but this is a different story).

My problem: driving on a motorway I would like to see, whats outside the actual zoom like the exit 10 km away. When I zoom (two-finger-touch or (-)-zoom) zoom starts, and the missing parts of the map start to be displayed. Sometimes the complete maps changes as the zoom factor displays different details. Due to the speed of my tablet (Galaxy 4 7") this can take a few seconds and during this time there is absolutely nothing readable or helping to navigate on the display. And even before the map is shown fully correctly some back-rezooming takes place, again making the map again unreadable for some more seconds. This happens also when a map redraw due to a new heading is neccessary. Normally this does not destroy the map, only refills the new visible parts of the map, but while in manual zoom it renders the map unuseless.

But together with manual zoom the map is destroyed for about 10~15 seconds, my requested zoom is abandoned in mid display refresh yealding in just another display refresh in to the new direction or speed-dependened-zoom.

It does not happen if the position of the car is moved away from the automatic (lower third) position. But than I have to manually put the car back to autoposition the map again, which is another distraction while driving.

Thanks for looking into this Harvey

vshcherb commented 7 years ago

You need to disable Auto-zoom option (need to check whether it is available in Driving settings).

harvey637 commented 7 years ago

Thanks vscherb for your answer, but ... during navigation auto-zoom is used and wanted, as eg. it zooms correctly waiting at a crossing with traficlights and displays the lanes and complex connection well or gives some kilometers while driving at faster speed (sorry to mention unhandled motorways :-).

But - while driving in navigation mode with correct zoom level according to speed and direction - when I want to extend temporarily the zoom I can do this with 2-fingers or (-)-zombutton, OK.

The making_it_impossible_to_use case than is, that while the device struggles to get the desired zoomlevel display, as this can completly rebuild all the stacked layers, the auto-zoom does not wait. Not even for complete display of required zoom! Inside the ongoing building process of the zoomed mapdisplay it switches back to the auto-zoom level, again reloading all the layers needed to form the complete display. When this is happening in a city this process can take around >20 seconds. I am completely blind over that time. And still the wanted zoomed information has never been visable.

To use your workaround I have to do - while driving in a complex situation, because I wanted zoomed information - switch to menu - configure - navigation - car - auto-zoom - off. And all back, but not to much back, or I leave osmand. Than zoom, wait for the map to stabilize. Than all the way back to turn on auto-zoom again. Make around 20 keypresses while driving. Hopefully still no accident!.

What is on my wishlist ist: while navigating accept my manual zoom keys (or 2-finger-tap) , wait for complete map redraw and than wait the time selected in "auto-center map-view". So I can read the map for the required timespan in my manual zoom-level, and after that the map is recentered and continuing to bring me to my destination.

Thx Harvey

PS: background info: while navigation to a destination radio announces trafic jam and I want to see, wether osmand is using this street. Or before leaving a motorway, check to take the exit before or after the routed one, as it might be blocked by caraccidents. So I like to fast and easy check a more zoomed-out mapview, but still like to continue driving with all my configuration.

harvey637 commented 7 years ago

Sorry for so many words, but I really! would like this app to be most usefull as a navigation system in a car. So safety goes first, not lots of keypresses. Possibly more "profiles" can help, like more than one "car" like "driving in a city", "driving motorways" with different configuration for routing and display.

harvey637 commented 7 years ago

It looks to me logical, that the timespan for "auto-center map-view" should be obeyed not only for map movements eg. sliding the map to an other position, but also for returning from manual zoom.

So, what ever I do, like moving the map, turning, zooming, during timeout defined in "auto-center map-view" no auto-center and no auto-speed-zoom nor auto-rotate_following_direction should take place. After end of timeout everything goes back to normal, like auto-center, speed-zoom, direction_heading. If I want to finish this timespan manuallly earlier I can touch the "my location" button.

From my point of view this use of the timeout defined in "auto-center map-view" is consistent with my expectations, that all manual handling continues until the end of this period and auto placement starts after that. And not by speed changes, as they are out of my control depending on trafic...

just my idea ...

pebogufi commented 7 years ago

On 20. Juli 2017 10:30:04 MESZ, harvey637 notifications@github.com wrote:

From my point of view this use of the timeout defined in "auto-center map-view" is consistent with my expectations, that all manual handling continues until the end of this period.

just my idea ...

I fully agree. Peter