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Online vector maps #4437

Open KOLANICH opened 6 years ago

KOLANICH commented 6 years ago

Hello. How about online vector layers? I mean that sometimes you don't want to download the whole map of the region (for example you are low on storage) but you just want to check your current location, for example you are looking for some POI nearby. So we need some way to get some vector data for specific location (OverPass API?) and merge it into vector layer. So I think we need the following features:

vshcherb commented 6 years ago

Sounds interesting but this is quite from actual implementation. The closest path would be to support Mapbox tiles. We already support reading these tiles for Mapillary but it is not incorporated in the rendering engine itself. And it will be quite difficult to support custom rendering styles on top of it.

thousandsofthem commented 5 years ago

https://openmaptiles.org/schema/ ? Should be waaay faster to render from (vs current offline data format)

P.S. Created separate issue: https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/6367