osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Please add option to disable notifications on turning instructions #4635

Open palbr opened 6 years ago

palbr commented 6 years ago

I am using OsmAnd for almost three years on a Jolla smartphone with SailfishOS (with an android 4.1.2 subsystem). This works quite well. Thanks a lot.

In recent times (I guess since OsmAnd 2.7.5) OsmAnd started to send turning instructions to the android notification system and the Jolla phone displays those on top of the OsmAnd window. See the blue rectangle in this screenshot: osmand-notification

This system notifications do contain only redundant information, which can already be seen on the OsmAnd window. So they are not helpful. They are even bad, since these notifications cover other data of the OsmAnd window like distance to destination or the name of the road I am driving on.

So I would like to disable them for my use case. But at the moment Jolla does not provide an option to disable notifications for individual android apps.

Therefore I am asking you, to please add an option to OsmAnd to disable the sending of those android notifications on turning instructions. Thanks.

(Corresponding post on Jolla issue tracker: https://together.jolla.com/question/171024/how-to-disable-notification-for-individual-android-app-osmand/)

Self-Perfection commented 6 years ago

I suffet from quite similar issue on SailfishOS but with track recording. The reason is that SailfishOS pops up notifications with updated text.

I would like to ask for an option to disable notifications for track recording.

vbregier commented 4 years ago


This issue is still there, 2 years later.

Please consider fixing it ! How hard can it be to add a setting to disable notifications ?!?

vshcherb commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately this notification could not be removed cause navigation works in background and we need notification to be displayed since Android 7.0