osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Voice notifications on Pebble even if voice output turned off #4686

Open kibadi opened 6 years ago

kibadi commented 6 years ago


I am using OSMAnd version 2.8.2 with offline maps on an HTC One M8 with Android 6.0. A very common use-case for me is to navigate along a custom GPX track with the offline-maps, in pedestrian navigation mode. This works well concerning the navigation instructions on the phone.

If I couple my phone with my Pebble 2 HR through BT, I am getting a lot of duplicate notifications among which each time one that starts with "Voice:" and then the navigation text. Another notification starts with "OSMAnd:" and then the routing instruction.

Now I would like to suppress the "Voice:" notifications, so I have turned "Sound: off" in OSMAnd navigation settings for pedestrian, speech engine to "not used", switched the phone loudness down, set the phone to silent mode. What occurs strange to me is that the voice notifications sill make it through to Pebble. Is there a way to turn the "Voice:" notifications off?

Thanks, Stefan

Suncatcher commented 6 years ago

I confirm this bug. I have the same not on pebble, but on regular phone. Even if I turn voice off, Osmand announces it, and even if I DELETE (!) all of TTS. It's a crucial bug!

kibadi commented 6 years ago

Maybe someone with another type of smartwatch can confirm this. The phone is indeed silent if I set Voice guidance to "Do not use" and turn the sound off in navigation settings. But the "Voice:" notifications keep coming on my smartwatch and I do not see any way to shield them off. I would prefer to receive only those notifications in the kind of "OsmAnd: turn left in 20 m" etc. Multiple watch notifications for an upcoming turn left/right are annoying.

joelkoen commented 9 months ago

I can confirm this issue with my Pinetime. I have disabled Osmand's notifications through Gadgetbridge, disabled voice guidance on my phone and I still receive notifications that have a title of "Voice".

Enovale commented 2 months ago

Getting the same issue with my Pebble Time. I've also tried muting the TTS engine app in the Pebble app but no luck.

Enovale commented 1 week ago

Finally had a chance to look at the code and quickly found the culprit: 3f9a611b125adf6c49ff451e4675504ac205fb95 "Pebble integration" that was added in 2013 that wasn't ever made configurable for whatever reason. I honestly don't understand why this integration exists, but I have to assume it's there for some kind of reason. I made a fork that makes it configurable in the Voice Prompts settings window, will likely make a PR soon Enovale@016a7acafc9fdd12f61661faf8b7a936f16fe227