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OsmAnd Live lane guidance issue #5003

Closed jfburke3 closed 5 years ago

jfburke3 commented 6 years ago

What version of OsmAnd are you using, on what device and Android/iOS version?

OsmAnd nightly 2.9.0 #23745m dated 2018-02-04, Android 4.2.1, on Samsung Galaxy S4 (but can also produce on Android 7.0 on Samsung Galaxy S7).

Do you use the offline maps offered within the OsmAnd app for download, or online (tile / raster) maps?

OsmAnd offline maps.

If you have an issue related to offline maps, tell us the exact name of the map file where the issue occurs, and its edition date.

US Georgia map dated December 31, 2017, with OsmAnd Live enabled, and OsmAnd Live navigation integration enabled.

In case of wrong routing:

Tell us whether you have used OsmAnd's in-app offline routing, or any online routing provider like YOURS, OpenRouteService or OSRM.

OsmAnd's in-app offline routing

What routing profile is chosen in OsmAnd app? (car, bike, pedestrian, fastest or shortest)

Car profile, fastest.

Please specify as exactly as possible the start and end point of your route by telling us city name and street name so that we can find it via in-app address search easily. Also, a permalink from openstreetmap.org can be helpful.

On January 30 or 31 (can't remember, but early enough to be picked up in the monthly map update), I edited these two freeway sections to add lane guidance for the exit:

https://osm.org/go/ZSARMrMmN-?way=557129765 -- 5 lanes, turn:lanes=through|through|through|through|slight_right https://osm.org/go/ZSARMurq5?way=557129764 -- 6 lanes, turn:lanes=through|through|through|through|slight_right|slight_right

OsmAnd Live picked up the changes and displays lane guidance as this:


The "through" lanes appear to be shown twice, with no exit lane guidance. Prior to my edit, the exit lanes were displayed as the usual "invented lanes" that OsmAnd displays for lane guidance when there are no turn:lanes directives. I suppose that the problem could also be that OsmAnd is showing the 4 through lanes, plus its 2 "invented" lanes, plus the 2 lanes indicated by my turn:lanes edit.

After downloading the January 31, 2018 updated map file, lane guidance displays correctly, so the issue is definitely with OsmAnd Live map integration:


hatzfeld commented 6 years ago

I have observed the same problem. My system: OsmAnd+ 2.9.3 on Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017), Android 7.0, using OsmAn Offline Maps and Offline Routing with OsmAnd live, car profile, fastest route.

This is just one of the objects where this happens: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/265987206/history#map=16/50.8812/7.1917

As you can see in the history, the number of lanes has never been different from 3 (at least since 2014). Nevertheless the screenshot shows 6 lanes:


The most annoying effect (for me) is that the voice navigation tells me to keep left (resp. right) when the routes switches between 3 yellow arrows on the left to 3 yellow arrows on the right.

scaidermern commented 6 years ago

I observed the same problems with OsmAnd Live on OsmAnd 2.9.3.

Around 50.84063,12.510309: photo_2018-04-16_20-16-17

Around 50.824608,12.459383: photo_2018-04-16_20-16-08

scaidermern commented 6 years ago

Looks like this issue isn't fixed completely. I didn't encounter it for several weeks but on Friday and today I saw it again:

photo_2018-07-01_22-24-31 Maybe this way? https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/233757915 But it has no recent edits.

photo_2018-07-01_22-24-35 Must be around this way: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/12196831

OsmAnd+ 3.0.4 map: germany sachsen (saxony) from June live data from 2018-06-22 16:59

hatzfeld commented 6 years ago

Today it happened to me on this way: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/37386469

Using OsmAnd+ 3.0.4 with OsmAnd Live enabled last Live update Germany Rheinland-Pfalz 14.07.2018, 23:28 last Live update Germany Hessen 16.07.2018, 07:18

PaulStets commented 6 years ago

@hatzfeld The road you mentioned wasn't edited for 9 months, so it can hardly be related to the issue with the live updates.

scaidermern commented 6 years ago

@PaulStets Maybe one of its adjacent ways or one of its nodes. See my last comment for a similar case where I couldn't find a promising candidate for my first screenshot.

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately we were not able reproduce with latest downloaded live data and the location @scaidermern sent to us. The issue indeed was present before and probably it was temporarily issue.

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

If you can reproduce please let us know. If you calculate a route and click arrows on the bottom you could see lanes details without navigation

hatzfeld commented 5 years ago

I just tried to calculate a route and found the issue discussed here on this way: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/603837352#map=17/51.15166/7.20876

The 6 lanes were shown a short distance before entering this way (a bridge): https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/10261301#map=18/51.15201/7.21039 (Both ways have been edited 10 days ago.)

My version: OsmAnd+ 3.0.4 with OsmAnd Live enabled last map download Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen 01.07.2018 last Live update Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen 24.07.2018, 16:56


vshcherb commented 5 years ago

@hatzfeld We still can't reproduce... Can you please share your maps list in that area: Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen, if you can show a screenshot of live maps (in live folder) you have that also could help. So far we suspect that there are 2 maps overlay probably that's issue is not related to live at all. So you can disable Live and revert to original state. Though we are not sure, unfortunately trying to reproduce it on multiple devices and so far no luck

hatzfeld commented 5 years ago

My downloaded maps within Germany (Deutschland): Bayern, Baden-Württemberg (both 01.06.2018, probably irrelevant), Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz (each 01.07.2018). Further: Malta. Issue is still reproducable.


scaidermern commented 5 years ago

Interestingly I can't reproduce the example provided by @hatzfeld either. Looks like this issue depends on certain live update files and gets repaired by newer ones.

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

@hatzfeld The live maps are an overlay maps on top of the normal, in the folder osmlive, you can find which incremental files do you have: To help http://download.osmand.net/aosmc/germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe/ - this is all server files for this region.   | Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_00.obf.gz | 2018-07-25 00:00 | 9.6M |   Represents all month changes for July 2018 (excluding last day)   | Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_01.obf.gz | 2018-07-02 01:50 | 566K |   Represents only changes for 1st of July 2018

On each devices combination of maps could be unique that's why I would kindly request to reveal that information from your device. This information is not visible in the app, so you need to use any file manager

Another kind request would be to try that issue without any live data (you can delete live data for the region in the app - disabling live update and later redownload it)

Thanks for cooperation.

hatzfeld commented 5 years ago

Map files in /storage/XXXX-XXXX/Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files: 849M Jun 1 02:00 Germany_baden-wuerttemberg_europe.obf 1.0G Jun 1 02:00 Germany_bayern_europe.obf 444M Jul 1 02:00 Germany_hessen_europe.obf 1.2G Jul 1 02:00 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe.obf 304M Jul 1 02:00 Germany_rheinland-pfalz_europe.obf 9.7M Jul 1 02:00 Malta_europe.obf 2.0M Aug 15 2017 World_altitude_correction_WW15MGH.extra 272M Apr 2 17:23 World_basemap.obf 32.0K Jul 23 10:04 avnotes 32.0K Oct 16 2017 backup 12.4K Apr 2 19:09 exception.log 30.2K Jul 12 12:49 favourites.gpx 32.0K Jun 14 09:04 fonts 297K Jul 25 16:41 ind.cache 32.0K Jul 25 16:41 live 3.9M Jun 14 09:04 regions.ocbf 32.0K Jul 28 2017 rendering 32.0K Jul 28 2017 roads 32.0K Jul 28 2017 sounds 32.0K Jun 22 08:18 srtm 32.0K Jun 8 15:36 tiles 32.0K Jul 31 2017 tracks 32.0K May 27 07:39 travel 32.0K Jul 28 2017 voice 32.0K Jul 25 16:33 wiki

Live map files in Map files in /storage/XXXX-XXXX/Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files/live (except those from Malta): 22.7M Jul 1 02:00 Germany_bayern_europe_18_06_00.obf 16.2M Jul 23 01:10 Germany_bayern_europe_18_07_00.obf 818K Jul 24 02:00 Germany_bayern_europe_18_07_23.obf 648K Jul 24 23:40 Germany_bayern_europe_18_07_24.obf 426K Jul 25 15:50 Germany_bayern_europe_18_07_25.obf 6.8M Jul 24 00:00 Germany_hessen_europe_18_07_00.obf 309K Jul 25 00:10 Germany_hessen_europe_18_07_24.obf 211K Jul 25 14:10 Germany_hessen_europe_18_07_25.obf 24.3M Jul 1 02:00 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_06_00.obf 17.5M Jul 24 01:20 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_00.obf 778K Jul 25 00:00 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_24.obf 631K Jul 25 15:50 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_25.obf 1.5M Aug 20 2017 Germany_rheinland-pfalz_europe_17_08_18.obf.download 7.0M Jul 24 23:20 Germany_rheinland-pfalz_europe_18_07_00.obf 215K Jul 25 15:50 Germany_rheinland-pfalz_europe_18_07_25.obf

hatzfeld commented 5 years ago

I followed your suggestion and disabled Live Updates for Nordrhein-Westfalen. The corresponding files in .../live disappeared, and the issue disappeared, too. Reenabling Live Updates for Nordrhein-Westfalen made appear these files: 18.0M Jul 25 00:00 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_00.obf 632K Jul 25 16:00 Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_07_25.obf but it did not make reappear our issue.

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

I think the issue is not related to original issue though the main issue actually presence of this file Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_06_00.obf. Once you have downloaded new July maps this file should have been disappeared.

hatzfeld commented 5 years ago

Today I have observed the issue again.

The first time when driving on https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/37386469 (but may be caused by a change to https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/34467886 28 days ago), where I saw 6 instead of 3 lanes.

The second when I calculated a route (without actually driving) which passed the way https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/400065577 (changed by myself 28 days ago) and showed 8 instead of 4 lanes. This time I discovered that the occurrence of the issue depends (among other conditions?) very much on the exact place of the start point of the routing. In this case a change between a start point near https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/115304281 and another one near https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/286118010 made the difference, both far (about 20 km) away from the place where the error occurred. This explains why it is so hard to reproduce this error.

Nevertheless I suspect a relation to OsmAnd live. On a second device, where OsmAnd live is not activated, I have never ever seen this error.

scaidermern commented 5 years ago

I think the issue is not related to original issue though the main issue actually presence of this file Germany_nordrhein-westfalen_europe_18_06_00.obf. Once you have downloaded new July maps this file should have been disappeared.

I still have various 18_06_00.obf files in my live directory despite being in July now. Looks like they don't always get deleted.

Maybe this has something to do with disabling maps and re-enabling them again later? As far as I can see, after disabling a map the corresponding live files are still present and don't get deleted. This might be by design, though. However they should get deleted as soon as a new month starts or when newer map versions are downloaded.

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

@scaidermern , no it is not by design we are investigating still what causes it.

InsertUser commented 5 years ago

This bug seems to still be alive for some users. See description and screenshots in the recent help.openstreetmap.org/questions/68182 ....

julianladisch commented 5 years ago

I had this bug with offline maps near the border of two neighboring map files. I opened Android/data/net.osmand.plus/files in the file manager app and found that I had two different versions for each region. After deleting all four map files in the file manager app and downloading the latest version for each region in osmand the bug disappeared.

aceman444 commented 4 years ago

This still happens in this setup: OsmAnd 3.3.8 Croatia map of 1.7.2019 + live updates Plugin OsmAnd development enabled and "use live updates for routing" turned ON.

Happens when driving from on https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/228659657 onto https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/228659661 . OsmAnd says "keep right" and displays to keep in the 2 rightmost lanes of 4 lanes. Both roads only have 2 lanes (oneway) defined (I have now corrected them to lanes=3, but the bug happened before the change).

When the option "use live updates for routing" is turned OFF, the bug DOES NOT happen.

Yes, the second way 228659661 was modified on 2.7.2019 so the change is only visible with live updates. But the change only adds some nodes into the way and does not change any tags so it affecting the routing is strange.

scaidermern commented 4 years ago

I noticed something similar reported at https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/7304#issuecomment-513725838