osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Track recording doesn't record in the background (Android 8, EMUI 8) #5632

Closed vshcherb closed 5 years ago

vshcherb commented 6 years ago

I noticed a bad bug in current release: during navigation Osmand very frequently shut down when running in background. I have installed Osmand+ 3.0.4 on Huawei P10 with Android 8.0.

The issue is that during navigation after some time Osmand close instead than keep running in background and consequently the navigation stops. I do not think it is related with strict battery optimization policy of Huawei phones, because it never happen before.

I started to notice this only with last version.

Bambasti commented 5 years ago

Tested another device I have. On a Motorola G (2nd gen.) on LineageOS 14.1 / Android 7.1.2 it's working in the background as well, like on Android 9. For me this issue seems to be about Android 8/8.1 only.

gormo-osm commented 5 years ago

The issue started for me with the upgrade of Android or EMUI to 8. Now both are at 8. Device is a P8 Lite 2017. GPX tracking stops ca. 5 Minutes after screen turnoff.

st-anton commented 5 years ago

Last week I tried the background tracking, and found, that it work again as it should do. I'm happy with it again as say thanks to the developers. Huawei Mate 9, with EMUI 8.0.0

sonora commented 5 years ago

Looks like this is now our master issue for this still very annoying problem. For me the current status is as follows: (Samsung XCover 4, Android 8.1, all device power management turned off, for good measure also exempted OsmAnd from all app optimizations. Location method is set to GPS only.).

I have found this https://hackernoon.com/android-location-tracking-with-a-service-80940218f561 but am aware that we are already using a foreground service and notification channel in OsmAnd, so this is likely no help. Also, with my above settings, I have NOT seen OsmAnd being killed in the background, so that's not the issue any more.

From what I see, we now have a clear distinction between when it works and when not, I observe the issue only in the cases where we shut down GPS between measurements. So it should be fixable.

This is one of the major bugs we now have in OsmAnd, it definitely deserves to be in a milestone with adequate priority!

sonora commented 5 years ago

Looking at our code, it seems that we use AlarmManager.setRepeating to trigger recording a point for recording intervals >=30sec, see https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/blob/fad43918f1665669aacd1d0c1683fd7b5fdf05d5/OsmAnd/src/net/osmand/plus/NavigationService.java#L162

As per Android documentation:

Note: Beginning with API 19 (Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) alarm delivery is inexact: the OS will shift alarms in order to minimize wakeups and battery use. There are new APIs to support applications which need strict delivery guarantees; see setWindow(int, long, long, android.app.PendingIntent) and setExact(int, long, android.app.PendingIntent). Applications whose targetSdkVersion is earlier than API 19 will continue to see the previous behavior in which all alarms are delivered exactly when requested.


Note: as of API 19, all repeating alarms are inexact. If your application needs precise delivery times then it must use one-time exact alarms, rescheduling each time as described above. Legacy applications whose targetSdkVersion is earlier than API 19 will continue to have all of their alarms, including repeating alarms, treated as exact.

I guess we have to use setExact and always re-set for API 19 and up??

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

Yes we need to be more than API 19 and try the approaches you mentionned. I will put it in 3.4 release so we don't forget about it.

sonora commented 5 years ago

More reading on the subject: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33110246/setexactandallowwhileidle-is-not-exact-as-of-developer-reference. Would have thought we simply replace our 2 occurrences of setRepeating by setExactAndAllowWhileIdle, and re-schedule in onReceive, but it seems unclear if this works reliably...

sonora commented 5 years ago

I have created a pull request laying a foundation by using the correct setExact / setExactAndAllowWhileIdle for higher Build levels.

It does not fix all issues for all devices, but I guess we may have to implement this as a step 1 in any case. Possible step 2 as outlined here: https://wangjingke.com/2016/09/23/Multiple-ways-to-schedule-repeated-tasks-in-android

sonora commented 5 years ago

My test results after this commit:

The major functional issue is clearly (4), i.e. the device not repeatedly waking up at exact times in doze mode for new Android versions, still not sure how to solve ...

PS: The wakeup issues seem to only exist while devices are not being charged.

sonora commented 5 years ago

The only (I hope temporary) workaround I can think of for now is that for logging

we also resort to using serviceOffInterval = 0, i.e. keep the GPS on continuously (as we do today for intervals <= 15 sec). This would at least restore the long-interval logging functionality also for new devices, however at the cost of higher battery drain.

If we want to go that route: We have hard-coded the 30 sec limit in AppInitializer.java, OsmAndMonitoring.java, NavigationService.java, and perhaps elsewhere. Can provide a pull request for verification if desired.

sonora commented 5 years ago

I have created pull request "Issue 5632 Workaround". Commenting out the first if block in navigationServiceGpsInterval() will re-establish our old (and desired) default behavior.

sonora commented 5 years ago

First test results on one device (Android 4.4.2):

From what I see now we should go with this solution at this point.

EDIT: Now tested also on an Android 6.0.1 device, that one was more like 2-3% drain per hour, so really not bad... EDIT2: Tested 30sec logging with Samsung A5: 2% battery use per hour (26mAh)

vshcherb commented 5 years ago

Great work! @sonora

sonora commented 5 years ago

As per Android documentation, repeated AlarmManager reception has been severely limited starting from API>=19.

But let me for now apply this "keep GPS running instead of using AlarmManager" workaround to only Android 5 and up: Many Android 4.4 devices do still not severely limit their AlarmManager behavior, hence for these keeping AlarmManager may be ok and avoids the increased battery use (about 1.2% vs. 5% per hour of background logging for a Samsung S4mini).

Please report if there are any issues with Android 4.4 devices justifying to also include them in this fix (unfortunately things may be manufacturer-specific).

sonora commented 5 years ago

To consolidate our documentation on findings and strategies regarding background behavior, I have created a brief Tech Article on Background Track Recording - Strategies and Known Issues here: https://osmand.net/help-online/technical-articles#BackgroundRecording.

e-pirate commented 5 years ago

Heh, I'm here from #7083 . GPX recording just simply stops on my BlackView BV9500 if a lock the phone with OsmAnd+ not in foreground making the app almost useless.

scaidermern commented 5 years ago

Track recording (with interval set to continuous) stopped on my device (Xiaomi A1) after about 1.5 hours with OsmAnd being in the foreground but display off.

OsmAnd 3.4.0 on Android 8.1 (LineageOS) . Roughly the same behavior as in the previous OsmAnd version.

sonora commented 5 years ago

@e-pirate Please try OsmAnd 3.4, from what I can see on my devices that issue should be fixed now.

@scaidermern That one sounds like the Android 8.x Power management killed OsmAnd after some time. Have you tried white-listing OsmAnd in the Android Power settings? (Or, for the sake of testing, just disable Android's Power saving entirely on the device?)

scaidermern commented 5 years ago

@scaidermern That one sounds like the Android 8.x Power management killed OsmAnd after some time. Have you tried white-listing OsmAnd in the Android Power settings? (Or, for the sake of testing, just disable Android's Power saving entirely on the device?)

So far I didn't white-list OsmAnd. I will do this, thanks.

heitorPB commented 5 years ago

With OSMand on foreground and Trip Recording plugin recording a track, if I lock the screen OSMand stops recording the track. But If I unlock the screen again, OSMand adds another point to the track. Maybe the problem is I/O when screen is locked? It doesn't look like the system lost the GNSS fix.

Osmand 3.3.8, XIAOMI Redmi Note 4x, MIUI Global 10.2 with Android 7.0.

sonora commented 5 years ago

I have summarized here: https://osmand.net/help-online/faq#trip_recording_stops

topas-rec commented 4 years ago

Maybe @sonora you can add the following to the Osmand help pages:

"Lock the application in the application switcher (list active applications - locate running Osmand app - find the lock command and lock the app)"

I experienced that the Osmand app got stopped in background during navigation on highway and also during track recording on bike on a OnePlus 5t with unmodified vendor OS which runs Android 9. I then tried the suggestions in the FAQ without success. Since a few rides (only track recording on bike, rare navigation in car) the issue seems solved by using the lock option if an app.

Perhaps one who has this issue can also try this suggestion.

ioctl-user commented 3 years ago

Please see patch prototype here: https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/9097

It fix big-timeout-wake-up-problem.