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Deactivating "Nearby Wikipedia articles" #5661

Open IgorEliezer opened 6 years ago

IgorEliezer commented 6 years ago


I checked both "Configure screen" and "Configure map", I can't seem to find a way to deactivate temporarily the "Nearby Wikipedia articles" feature.

The situation: any POI that I select near a Wikipedia node, be it a speed bump or a shop or a bus stop, the POI details shows "Nearby Wikipedia articles: {N}" and it is often about an unrelated article.

The feature is working as intended, but I'd like to disable it and re-enable it later, but it seems there's no other way than deleting it from "Download Maps" > "Map: Local: Wikipedia" and redownloading it. The options available are "Delete" and "Rename", missing "Deactivate", which is available for other maps.


sonora commented 6 years ago

I guess using a file manager app you could just temporarily move the corresponding .obf file from the wiki subfolder or simply rename its obf extension, but you seem right that the actual Deactivate menu item seems missing. (Also for contour lines and hillshade data, but displaying these can be disabled via the Configure map menu or by deactivating the plugin).