osmandapp / OsmAnd

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direct delete gpx-files #5790

Open osmvermesser opened 5 years ago

osmvermesser commented 5 years ago

it would be great to delete gpx directly in the osmand-data-structure in this dialog



sonora commented 5 years ago

Actually, that dialog becomes rather clumsy to use once you have many GPX files on your device, or if you have a subfolder structure. I recommend to instead use the much more flexible dialog under MyPlaces, tab Tracks. It contains the functuality you are looking for, and more.

In general, we have a mumber of mutually redundant dialogs, could at some point think about collapsing and only keep the more advanced one each, would avoid user confusion, create fewer issues, save developer time maintaing redundant dialogs, and make the app leaner.