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Add translation hints to public transport change strings #7464

Open carstenhag opened 4 years ago

carstenhag commented 4 years ago

Hey, so we've got routing_attr_max_num_changes_name and routing_attr_max_num_changes_description, which are keys describing the maximum amount of train/bus/etc changes allowed in one trip.

The problem is that in english this is called "change" or "transfer" and without context, every translator will translate this as "modifications" instead.


    <string name="routing_attr_max_num_changes_description">Bestimmen Sie die maximale Anzahl an Änderungen</string>
    <string name="routing_attr_max_num_changes_name">Anzahl der Änderungen</string>

We should add a translation hint, if that's possible, and mark all current translations as invalid/need to be reviewed.

Right now weblate seems to be in maintainance mode, I can't create an account.

carstenhag commented 4 years ago

I've added comments to both translation strings. Hopefully translators will see it.


@ Maintainers: Is it possible to alert translator to update a translation string?

ldmpub commented 4 years ago

I would prefer to correct by performing a remplace in all source strings from "change" to "transfert" because:

What do you think?

carstenhag commented 4 years ago

Not a problem for me. I don't know though if most English speaking countries (US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, South Africa etc) understand the word transfers.

ldmpub commented 4 years ago

I guess that all internationnal airports have these signs: https://media.tacdn.com/media/attractions-splice-spp-674x446/07/2a/6e/5a.jpg