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Assign UUIDs to favorites and then categories for exports/imports #9343

Open ThibaultPelloquin opened 4 years ago

ThibaultPelloquin commented 4 years ago

Could it be possible to implement automatic UUIDs on Favorites points and them Categories and make them available in GPX exports?

It could greatly simplify export/import of these on different instances of OSMAnd or other geodata projects. 😄

Moreover, the favorite's name as unique value is very penalazing because of lot of favorites can have the same name for multiple reasons. 😢 Isn't it possible to remove this feature?

Thank you so much for your answer.

vshcherb commented 4 years ago

Indeed export / import works great when you are importing to fresh installation though it has flaws when you've already have favorites.

Favorites are points with unique name by category, so you can't add 2 favorites with same name. That's why import should either rename favorites during import or replace. Today we support only replacing which might not be desirable

ThibaultPelloquin commented 3 years ago

Hi ^^,

Sorry to come back on this issue, but do you think this feature is possible to and will be developed or is it definitely abandoned?

Thank you so much for your answer.

vshcherb commented 3 years ago

the favorite's name as unique value

  • Combination name + category name is unique
  • Recently we've added automatic renaming on import

We don't plan yet to change automatic merging by name though as we do full backups, this idea may be needed for some complex situations

ThibaultPelloquin commented 3 years ago

My true problem is not the unique name + category combination but the lack of UUID.

Indeed, I use this export in a personal webapp. Sometimes I move the point, or I rename the POI, of change it from category to another.

So it's a real baffling problem to keep the right POIs during the update. 😢

A simple UUID tag per favorite in the export / import could change this problem. And could be perfect with a last-update tag with the date of last update. :)