osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Wheelchair base profile - avoid stairs and add special pictograms #9415

Open Aiurek opened 4 years ago

Aiurek commented 4 years ago

The wheelchair-info is pretty thoroughly mapped in a lot of areas. Here, OsmAnd could be a nice tool for wheelchair users to get appropriate routing e.g. avoid stairs, which might be realized by offering a wheelchair base profile.

Would be nice if there's a base profile for wheelchair users, that:

So far a wheelchair pictogram is even missing in the new profile generation:

Wheelchair (2)

scaidermern commented 4 years ago

This would be a really nice improvement. Information about wheelchair accessibility is one of OSM's strength compared to competitors.

dmpr0 commented 4 years ago

I have added wheelchair icons for the profile, it will available in the current nightly builds.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I agree, which is why I intend to propose the inclusion of the tag wheelchair=offroad or similar in the OSM ml tagging.
Since the paths dedicated to disabled people are increasing.

vshcherb commented 4 years ago

Link from #9768 - https://github.com/LorenzoStucchi/Wheelchair-OsmAnd - created profile. Please feel free to test and leave feedback here

LorenzoStucchi commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @vshcherb! I'm also available for any improvement that it is think needed.

I have a question, I had to make a double request to the user for the insertion of a parameter of a maximum inclination since the value could be positive or negative. It is possible to make the user chose only one parameter and after transform it negative?

LorenzoStucchi commented 4 years ago

@Aiurek I also have another suggestion, I think that the icon for the wheelchair should be the one of "The accessible Icon Project", that has a deep meaning and it is available with CC0 licence.

Aiurek commented 4 years ago

@LorenzoStucchi yes, I like the one you suggested even more than the one i suggested. Thx for contributing the routing profile. I think the whole implementation of wheelchair profiles/routing is a really valuable contribution to OsmAnd

LorenzoStucchi commented 4 years ago

Step for the presence of routing for wheelchair:

every suggestion in the creation of the routing is welcome