osmandapp / osmand-api-demo

Example of usage OsmAnd API
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Command NAVIGATE ignores parameters #40

Closed adolgiy closed 4 years ago

adolgiy commented 4 years ago

If I use filled URI with NAVIGATE command, I got blank map screen.

osmand.api://navigate?start_lon=37.529304&dest_lat=51.582987&dest_name=г Саратов&profile=default&start_lat=55.996982&dest_lon=46.1287952&force=false

If i use empty URI - I got blank navigation sheet with source and destination to set.


So... What can I fix to make sheet properly bind URI params?

OsmAnd+ 3.8.4

Chumva commented 4 years ago

You have to use one of the profiles used in routing. profile=default - browse map, it doesn`t have routing.

Chumva commented 4 years ago

For OsmAnd+ 3.8.4 there are only three profiles supported - https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/blob/master/OsmAnd/src/net/osmand/plus/helpers/ExternalApiHelper.java#L163 but after this request https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/pull/10307 there will be all profiles supported which have routing.