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National mapathon 2019 #21

Closed joostschouppe closed 5 years ago

joostschouppe commented 5 years ago

Still a lot to organize:

During the event, we will use the Riot tasks channel to coordinate: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmbe-task:matrix.org

pietervdvn commented 5 years ago


I noticed that the national mapathons will be during weekdays (we/th) this year. Is this intentional?

Second: I can volunteer in Ghent, do I just add my email to the framapad?

pietervdvn commented 5 years ago

Also: I could ask Vives for a location in Bruges this year (at a few minutes of the station). Should I ask them or would all the different locations be to much to handle?

joostschouppe commented 5 years ago

Yup, just add your name and email to the framacalc. Extra locations, I don't know. ALl the other locations are managed by the universities, so you'd be basically on your own? You can contact Frank.Canters at vub.be (uni coordinator) if you want to do that.

jbelien commented 5 years ago

I'll be volunteering at ULB on 27th of March ! 😃