osmbe / historical-map

A map with OSM overlayed on historical maps
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Add classic topomap NGI 2000 #2

Open jbelien opened 4 years ago

jbelien commented 4 years ago

From @StevenClays (#4):

Is it possible to add the topomap (2000) to the historical maps? https://topomapviewer.ngi.be/?l=nl&x=629911.03&y=660643.61&zoom=8&baseLayer=top10r

jbelien commented 4 years ago

Hello @StevenClays, The link you sent (NGI Topo10) seems only to be compatible with EPSG:3812 and EPSG:31370. We need it to be compatible with EPSG:3857 to be added to our historical maps.

I looked on IGN/NGI website and couldn't find it. If you find it (anywhere), please provide the link. Thanks !

StevenClays commented 4 years ago

No possibilities for conversion then? @mstuyts?

mstuyts commented 4 years ago

For the NGI Topo10 layer, I have only found tiles in EPSG:3812. @jbelien, what's the url for tiles in EPSG:31370? I don't think the tiles can be converted to EPSG:3857, because they are prerendered. I looked into using MapProxy to reproject the tiles, because I use that to reproject WMS services. But I haven't found a way to that for tile map layers like the NGI Topo10 one.

I haven't been able to view these tiles outside the NGI TopoMapViewer. I don't know if it's possible in Leaflet to set the CRS of tile layer that's not a WMS source.

All other levels Topo25, Topo50, Topo100, Topo250 and Topo300 are available via WMS: https://wms.ngi.be/inspire/topomaps/service and they have EPSG:3857 and they can be added to Leaflet.

Another related detailed NGI layer is CartoWeb and that's available via WMTS: https://www.ngi.be/cartoweb/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml that also has EPSG:3857 available.

StevenClays commented 4 years ago

To explain: topographic maps of the 1990'ies-2000'ies are actually historical maps. So it would be nice to add them. Topo25 & Topo50 would allready be great!

joostschouppe commented 2 years ago

Added in https://github.com/osmbe/play/commit/97a6be3af59d09d7f447bb5236334d63f89199e7 Remains to be seen if it actually works :)

mstuyts commented 2 years ago

For some reason, tiles are missing for some areas.

I checked the same service in QGIS, there it shows the same issue, so I guess the wms service has an issue.

joostschouppe commented 2 years ago

Yes, we noticed as well! I happen to have met someone from NGI at the Trefdag and mentioned it. He contacted the right colleagues Now it would also be nice to make a smarter implementation that shows different maps at different zoomlevels.

joostschouppe commented 2 years ago

So... the service is NOT the 2000 version as I understood but rather the most current one! The holes are because there is no update yet! Everything you see is from 2016 and more recent, the empty areas should be filled in by 2022. So we should remove this version; the search for a 2000 version is still on...

joostschouppe commented 3 months ago

Any news on this? Any of you found the NGI 2000 link somewhere?

mstuyts commented 2 months ago

I recently talked to someone from NGI about this and the NGI 2000 still is not available as webservice. That NGI person also would like that layer to be available and I told him that would make a lot of people happy.

StevenClays commented 2 months ago

Cool, let's make a lot of people happy again, NGI person!