osmcode / osmium-tool

Command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data based on the Osmium library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WIN: local build script #260

Closed IldarKhayrutdinov closed 1 year ago

IldarKhayrutdinov commented 1 year ago

Easy local build script using vcpkg, like github actions.

  1. Install vcpkg https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg#quick-start-windows
  2. Install cmake (set PATH environment) https://cmake.org/download/
  3. Clone osmium-tool, libosmium, protozero
  4. build-local-vcpkg.bat

Should work without installed Visual Studio (maybe requires MS VC++ Redistributable), see https://github.com/osmcode/osmium-tool/issues/180.

No manually downloading dependencies to C:/projects (as in obsolete build-appveyor.bat).

IldarKhayrutdinov commented 1 year ago

@joto please review

joto commented 1 year ago

This is the forth build script for Windows, after build-appveyor.bat, build-local.bat, and the ones in .github/action. The ones used by Appveyor/Github actions are tested, but I have no way to test the other scripts and keep them current. I don't want to add more scripts that will in all probability go unmaintained and for which I will the have to do support.

Maybe you have a different place where you can put the script like in a blog post or so, where people can still find it, but there is no expectation that I will support it.

IldarKhayrutdinov commented 1 year ago

I understand your concern. This script was meant to replace build-appveyor.bat and build-local.bat. I wanted to make a working script for local building, because periodically there are requests about Win builds and the current script is doesn't work. By the way, on appveyor build attempts are still running: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Mapbox/osmium-tool/builds/45983344

I'll revert my script.

In fact, for Win perfectly development on Visual Studio and build without additional manupulations (besides the fact that I have installed vcpkg).