osmkerala / osmkerala-tasks

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Register in ICFOSS #17

Open naveenpf opened 3 years ago

naveenpf commented 3 years ago


manojkmohan commented 3 years ago

Its need a Mission and Vision. So soon we can create the content from existing documents and kick-start our community web page.

manojkmohan commented 3 years ago

I felt its a gimmick to make cool the community and on going issues related to icfoss. lets wait and verify the documents,after then only need proceed. i lost trust on these public funded organisations and they can very easily hijack community movements for their matrix/impact show using their power and money. they never do that in their work and serve the community better.

manojkmohan commented 3 years ago

Its was my 2nd reminder but still not any response. IMG_20201020_234301 IMG_20201020_234500