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Data Improvements in Indonesia #151

Open awisemanapple opened 5 years ago

awisemanapple commented 5 years ago

Task Description

This task outlines work to improve the map data in Indonesia. We plan to focus on improvements to the road network first, and later we may do some edits to other feature types if necessary, such as buildings, addresses, water, and land use and other related polygonal features. We will message the local community and get feedback and suggestions for this project.

Improvements that will be addressed include the following:

Mapping Guidelines

The team will follow OSM and local policy, along with any other guidelines as appropriate.

For water and coastlines, the team will follow OSM coastline guidelines, waterways policy such as water and natural=water and local policy along with any other policy as appropriate.

Some coastlines are connected to administrative boundaries, in which case we will adjust both if appropriate.

Where we see them, we will remove the source=PGS tag, which was from an earlier coastline import that needs to be cleaned up. We received a message on the India coastlines project requesting this, and it is commonly done in other coastline improvement edits.

The team will use imagery and data sources below as needed. When in doubt, the team will use the existing tags and data which are used locally. The history in JOSM (ctrl-H) identifies what previous mappers added and their notes and/or explanations regarding changes made. This history can also show if a previous mapper has visited that area or has expert knowledge or sources.

We have also messaged talk-id, the OSM Forum for Indonesia, and the OSM Facebook Group to get feedback and suggestions about the project.

Our team uses the hashtag #adt (for Apple Data Team) for our edits.

Area of Focus

Throughout the country.


The team will use JOSM for completing the task. JOSM has validation warnings for road networks and other possible issues that are important to prevent improper changes.


The team will apply image offsets as needed.

Changeset Comments

The team will provide changeset comments that are in compliance with OSM changeset guidelines.

Error Detection

The team will check for errors visually and using JOSM validation warnings prior to committing the changeset.

In addition, the team will review its work in accordance with validation guidelines such as the OSM Wiki and LearnOSM validation guidelines

Ferry data

Apple is releasing data on ferry terminal and line information missing from OSM in Indonesia. This contribution is made available for use under the OpenStreetMap ODbL license. The data includes ferry terminals with names of ferry lines, whether the ferry is for cars, and the direction of the ferry, if applicable. We will confirm that the ferry exists and the terminal location is correct, and if missing we will add those to OSM and estimate the ferry route. The data includes starting and ending points at ferry terminals but not the specific routes between them. When we use the data we will cite it in the OSM changeset source tag.

Things you can do

If you'd like to help, here are a few ideas:



We have also posted MapRoulette challenges related to the road network: https://maproulette.org/browse/projects/39171

For more information

Our community lead is Teddy Ahlvin and our editing leads are Jon Westlake and Erica Olson. To get in touch with Teddy, you can email or contact him via OSM.

All of our leads can be reached via email.

OSM Wiki

Bahasa Indonesia Translation

Deskripsi Tugas

Tugas ini menguraikan pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan data peta di Indonesia. Kami berencana untuk fokus pada peningkatan jaringan jalan terlebih dahulu, dan kemudian kami dapat melakukan beberapa pengeditan untuk jenis fitur lainnya jika perlu, seperti bangunan, alamat, air, dan penggunaan lahan serta fitur poligonal terkait lainnya. Kami akan mengirimkan pesan kepada komunitas lokal dan mendapatkan umpan balik dan saran untuk proyek ini.

Perbaikan yang akan ditangani meliputi:

Pedoman Pemetaan

Tim akan mengikuti [OSM] (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Highways) dan [lokal] (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Indonesia) kebijakan, bersama dengan pedoman lain yang sesuai .

Untuk air dan garis pantai, tim akan mengikuti OSM [garis pantai] (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Coastline) [pedoman] (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dcoastline) kebijakan [waterways] (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Waterways) seperti [water] (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:water) dan [natural = water] (https : //wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag: natural% 3Dwater) dan kebijakan lokal beserta kebijakan lainnya yang sesuai.

Beberapa garis pantai terhubung ke batas administrasi, dalam hal ini kami akan menyesuaikan keduanya jika sesuai.

Di tempat kami melihatnya, kami akan menghapus tag source = PGS, yang berasal dari [impor garis pantai] sebelumnya (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Prototype_Global_Shoreline) yang perlu dibersihkan. Kami menerima pesan pada proyek garis pantai India yang meminta ini, dan itu biasanya dilakukan dalam penyuntingan perbaikan garis pantai lainnya.

Tim akan menggunakan sumber gambar dan data di bawah ini sesuai kebutuhan. Jika ragu, tim akan menggunakan tag dan data yang ada yang digunakan secara lokal. Sejarah di JOSM (ctrl-H) mengidentifikasi apa yang ditambahkan oleh pembuat peta sebelumnya dan catatan serta / atau penjelasan mereka tentang perubahan yang dilakukan. Sejarah ini juga dapat menunjukkan jika mapper sebelumnya telah mengunjungi daerah itu atau memiliki pengetahuan atau sumber ahli.

Area Fokus

Di seluruh negara.


Tim akan menggunakan [JOSM] (https://josm.openstreetmap.de) untuk menyelesaikan tugas. JOSM memiliki peringatan validasi untuk jaringan jalan dan kemungkinan masalah lain yang penting untuk mencegah perubahan yang tidak pantas.


Tim akan menerapkan offset gambar sesuai kebutuhan.

Komentar Changeset

Tim akan memberikan komentar changeset yang sesuai dengan [pedoman OSM changeset] (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_changeset_comments).

Deteksi Kesalahan

Tim akan memeriksa kesalahan secara visual dan menggunakan [peringatan validasi JOSM] (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Validator) sebelum melakukan set perubahan.

Selain itu, tim akan meninjau pekerjaannya sesuai dengan pedoman validasi seperti [Wiki OSM] (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Tasking_Manager/Validating_data) dan [LearnOSM] (http://learnosm.org) / id / koordinasi / review /) pedoman validasi

Hal yang bisa kamu lakukan

Jika Anda ingin membantu, berikut adalah beberapa ide:


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut

Pemimpin komunitas kami adalah Teddy Ahlvin dan pemimpin penyuntingan kami adalah Jon Westlake dan Erica Olson. Untuk menghubungi Teddy, Anda dapat email atau hubungi dia melalui OSM.

Semua prospek kami dapat dihubungi melalui email.

OSM Wiki

Joseagush commented 5 years ago

Many of Indonesian roads don't have names. In my opinion, what should we do is creating networks with local governments to push the regulation regarding the road names.

awisemanapple commented 5 years ago

Thanks @Joseagush, that's good to know.

jeisenbe commented 5 years ago

Please translate this post into Indonesian as well. I wouldn't request this from a community project, but I believe "informed consent" requires communication in the primary language of an affected community, especially when a large corporation is involved.

As a physician in America, I'm required to use professional translators with all of my patients who do not speak English, especially when asking consent to perform a procedure or operation with risks, and I believe imports and large corporate projects in OSM have the same ethical responsibility.

But I look forward to good-quality additions to the map in Eastern Indonesia. Will Apple be employing staff from HOT, or hiring local Indonesian mappers?

awisemanapple commented 5 years ago

Thanks, done. It will be our Data Team as mentioned in the Github issue.

jeisenbe commented 5 years ago

Ok, I see the link now. So it looks like these are Apple employees (or sub-contractors?) who work on different mapping projects all over the world. They don't have any particular local knowledge or experience in Indonesia, though a few come from other tropical countries at least. Most don't mention where they are from originally.

I guess you guys are thinking that it's easier to train and employ one group from projects all over the world. I can see how that is easier for Apple, as a large multinational corporation. However, for the future benefit of the Openstreetmap community, it would be much more helpful to train Indonesians as mappers. Sure, this would take longer, but it might not be much more expensive - Indonesia is a low cost country. Was this option considered? I admit it would almost certainly be slower in the short term, but in the long term it might lead to much easier database maintenance and a much more complete map. Good maps in Indonesia require local knowledge to add any names or POIs, there just isn't much useful information online.

appleosm commented 5 years ago

Wherever our team edits OSM, we try to engage with the local community as much as possible and get their feedback. We also follow local policy where it exists as mentioned in the task description above. Thanks for your comments!

iyan31 commented 4 years ago

Hey Andrew,

May I suggest the more updated Wiki for your reference? There are examples of roads in several districts/provinces in Indonesia: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Indonesian_Tagging_Guidelines

awisemanapple commented 4 years ago

Thanks @iyan31 , sounds good!