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Data Improvements in Yemen #75

Open awisemanapple opened 6 years ago

awisemanapple commented 6 years ago

Task Description

This task outlines work to improve map data in Yemen. We plan to work on improving the road network, such as adding missing roads, fixing network issues such as missing connections or crossing roads, and other related issues. We also plan to update and correct coastline and water features as we find them, and correct and improve land use and land cover polygons where needed, such as airports, national parks, forests, colleges and universities, and so on -- remove duplicates, correct the boundaries, fix incorrect tags and other similar things. We also occasionally receive anonymous user feedback, often related to street names, addresses, road network issues, points of interest and other related features. We plan to correct the data where we can identify that the feedback is valid, using other sources as appropriate listed below.

Mapping Guidelines

The team will follow OSM and local policy, along with any other guidelines as appropriate.

The team will use the user feedback as well as the imagery and data sources specified below as needed for mapping in the country.

For water and coastlines, the team will follow OSM coastline guidelines, waterways policy such as water and natural=water and local policy along with any other policy as appropriate.

Some coastlines are connected to administrative boundaries, in which case we will adjust both if appropriate.

Where we see them, we will remove the source=PGS tag, which was from an earlier coastline import that needs to be cleaned up. We received a message on the India coastlines project requesting this, and it is commonly done in other coastline improvement edits.

When in doubt, the team will use the existing tags and data which are used locally. The history in JOSM (ctrl-H) identifies what previous mappers added and their notes and/or explanations regarding changes made. This history can also show if a previous mapper has visited that area or has expert knowledge or sources.

Our team uses the hashtag #adt (for Apple Data Team) for our edits.

Area of Focus

Throughout Yemen.

Local user osamaalsaqqaf says there are missing road segments and incorrect alignments.


The team will use JOSM for completing the task. JOSM has validation warnings for road networks and other possible issues that are important to prevent improper changes.


The team will apply image offsets as needed.

Changeset Comments

The team will provide changeset comments that are in compliance with OSM changeset guidelines.

Error Detection

The team will check for errors visually and using JOSM validation warnings prior to committing the changeset.

In addition, the team will review its work in accordance with validation guidelines such as the OSM Wiki and LearnOSM validation guidelines.

Where needed, the team will tag corrections with review_requested=yes so the local community can double check them.



We have also posted MapRoulette challenges related to the road network: https://maproulette.org/browse/projects/40686

For more information

Our community lead is Teddy Ahlvin and our editing leads are Jon Westlake and Erica Olson. To get in touch with Teddy, you can email or contact him via OSM. (https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/LessThan3Nodes) All of our leads can be reached via email.

OSM Wiki

hubaishan commented 6 years ago

There are many village points on deserts or mountains, and some of them in sea, as in globe images. Should these points changed to locality?

I noticed that some highway road lines do not have the same name and ref.

awisemanapple commented 6 years ago

@hubaishan I'm not sure about the village locations, they may have been imported from another source. The place tag might help you determine which it should be. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place Overpass-Turbo will let you query for them too: http://overpass-turbo.eu We are mostly going to focus on other features though like roads.