osmlab / editor-layer-index

A unified layer index for OSM editors.
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Sources missing a license #439

Open grischard opened 6 years ago

grischard commented 6 years ago

As of 2019-11-21, 303 sources don't have a license_url property:

grischard commented 6 years ago

Edit: those were fixed by Chris in #443

deuzeffe commented 6 years ago

europe/fr/Auvergne-2013-25cm-CRAIG.geojson : LO-OD ("De plus, pour toutes les orthophotographies fournies en Licence Ouverte - Open Data, les dallages sont téléchargeables sur le serveur FTP opendata du CRAIG. Vous trouverez ainsi les dallages pour les campagnes d'acquisition de 2009-2010, 2013 et 2016". -> ftp://opendata.craig.fr/opendata/ortho/region/)

deuzeffe commented 6 years ago


« Les données de l’ortho littorale 2000 peuvent être utilisées par toute personne qui le souhaite à d’autres fins que celles de la mission de service public pour les besoins desquelles elles ont été élaborées ou sont détenues. Toutefois, la commercialisation des données de l’ortho littorale 2000 est strictement interdite. Merci de consulter les conditions d’utilisation, consultables depuis la page "Aide en ligne" de Géolittoral avant tout téléchargement de la donnée

Enfin dans toutes vos éditions, merci d’indiquer la mention : (Source) Ortho Littorale 2000 - Ministère en charge de l’environnement » (In http://www.geolittoral.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/visualisation-et-telechargement-des-donnees-a402.html)

Spa clair, y a pas de licence précise indiquée.

deuzeffe commented 6 years ago

europe/fr/Tours-Orthophotos2008-2010 : voir la licence de Tours-Orthophtos2013. Il y a de fortes chances que ça soit la même.

jbelien commented 6 years ago

Belgian layers :

I'm the one who is maintaining it. The goal of those layers are to provide a OSM baselayer that anyone can use in their application/website (it covers Belgium only). It's an OpenStreetMap Belgium project and the servers are hosted by the company I work for (SPRL GEO-6). Anyone can use it ; only requirement : attributions for OSM and GEO-6 (see https://github.com/jbelien/openstreetmap-carto-be/wiki/Tile-Usage-Policy). German style does not exist anymore ; but this issue is already fixed in ELI (see https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/issues/481#issuecomment-400604943).

Should be removed (see https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/issues/481#issuecomment-400664759).

I believe it's open data : see https://www.infotec.be/fr-be/minformer/opendata.aspx The Wallonia Open Data portal seems to be down at the moment (at least from where I am right now - out of Belgium). EDIT: I found the new url of those services : stops and lines

Same service (and so) license as 2016 and 2017 aerial imagery : https://bric.brussels/en/our-solutions/urbis-solutions/Licence_Open_data_Fr_v4.pdf

This service seems to be down ... Not sure it's really useful to keep those outdated baselayers (we have the up-to-date) one in another layer. I think it can be removed. EDIT: It seems to work using HTTP instead of HTTPS : http://www.gis.irisnet.be/arcgis/rest/services/basemap/urbisFR/MapServer/export but it doesn't seem to be "real" WMS anyway.

grischard commented 6 years ago

Thank you! The TEC cc-by is not strictly compatible, could you get in touch with TEC to ask about a waiver?

jbelien commented 6 years ago

I found the new url of TEC services (Belgium) :

The license is indeed CC BY 4.0. I'll try to contact them.

stefanb commented 4 years ago

europe/si sources fixed in #712

deuzeffe commented 4 years ago

@grischard de nada ^^

Pour europe/fr/Vercors-Reserve_naturelle_des_Hauts-Plateaux_du_Vercors-Orthophoto-1999-1m.geojson

Sont sur datagouvfr : https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/photos-aeriennes-orthorectifiees-de-la-reserve-naturelle-des-hauts-plateaux-du-vercors/ qui renvoie à http://www.parc-du-vercors.fr/fr_FR/la-connaissance-1110/telechargements-3115.html les deux sources indiquent clairement "LO/OL" \o/

Au taf, My Hero :p

SK53 commented 4 years ago

I think all City of Zurich data is under an open licence: https://data.stadt-zuerich.ch/group/basiskarten.

We have permission for use of NLS raster maps within OSM editors (but not necessarily for other purposes). The maps themselves are out-of-copyright, and thus data from them can be freely transcribed. Crown Copyright expires after 50 years and all visible maps on the NLS portal are out-of-copyright. They do have scans of maps which are still in copyright which appear in indexes but are not available to view. I'm not sure whether NLS asserts any copyright from their orthorectification and even if they did OSM has permission. In general their problems are with tile scraping & bandwidth (mainly from genealogy sites). RobJN (OSM-UK) may know more, or Central America or Chris Fleming from OSM-Scotland

alexanderzatko commented 4 years ago

While trying to get an "inspiration" for writing own license and privacy policy for the source I recently added, I noticed that URLs for the corresponding geojson properties on some sources point to pages that no longer exist (https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/blob/gh-pages/sources/north-america/us/in/IndianaMap2016.geojson?short_path=d88765e), or pages that require authentication (some recently edited sources in the DE directory), or pages that supposedly contain the privacy policy, but none can be found there (some AT sources I checked).

I have this uneasy feeling that attempting to make people fix these issues will be like herding the cats. :-(

grischard commented 4 years ago

@alexanderzatko yeah, it is very much a moving target!

deuzeffe commented 4 years ago

@grischard preggo encora, mio eroi ;)

Carnildo commented 4 years ago

north-america/us/USGSImagery.geojson and north-america/us/USDA-NAIP.geojson are in the public domain as works of the US federal government. I'm not sure what sort of license URL would work here -- the public-domain status is sufficiently well-known that it's often not mentioned. Neither of the websites involved has any mention of copyright that I've been able to find, which is typical of federal-government websites.

deuzeffe commented 4 years ago

Pour world/OpenStreetMap-FrenchStyle.geojson, si j'ai bien tout compris, c'est CC0 (depuis 7 ans !) cf https://github.com/cquest/osmfr-cartocss/blob/master/LICENSE.txt (un certain @Marc-marc-marc me précise que c'est la même que osmcarto puisque c'en est un fork ^^)

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago


https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal.gov.pl - sounds like public domain for me ("services are provided free of charge and without any limitations"), but I am not sure enough to make PR. If someone else can confirm this then I can make a PR.

rbuffat commented 3 years ago

What about removing all sources with unclear license and re-adding them when they are checked? Especially all sources imported from JOSM without review should be deleted as JOSM has no review process and thus it cannot be trusted if they are compatible or not.

The reasoning would be that it is much easier to review licenses if somebody is invested to add them to the index and is willing to help. Once a source is included, nobody is motivated to check the license compatibility afterwards.

andrewharvey commented 3 years ago

I'm okay with removing and then re-adding, however I think before that we should improve the schema to better describe the licensing situation.

Right now there is no way to say a source public domain, there might be no license_url at all because it's legally not copyright protected.

I'm thinknig:

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

an attribute to link to existing OSM discusson eg. a wiki page where the license has been evaluated etc.

Or maybe it can go simply into license_url? (case of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal.gov.pl )

andrewharvey commented 3 years ago

Or maybe it can go simply into license_url? (case of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geoportal.gov.pl )

Yes that's the place for the osm discussion, but it doesn't give a machine readable way to see why this can be used, eg. LWG waiver, custom waiver, interpretation of existing license, or compatible license.

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

Is machine readable way actually needed/useful for something specific? Maybe as the first step collect human readable info for all entries.

andrewharvey commented 3 years ago

Is machine readable way actually needed/useful for something specific? Maybe as the first step collect human readable info for all entries.

No it's just for us human maintainers, though I'm finding it might be easier to have all this information stored in a consistent format and directly within each JSON source would be ideal. Alternative is you could have an OSM wiki page for each source and have a template with license details.