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Review all Swiss aerial imagery sources for potential issues with new copyright law #961

Open simonpoole opened 3 years ago

simonpoole commented 3 years ago

Per April 1st 2020 copyright law in Switzerland changed wrt non-creative photographic images. Previously they had no protection under copyright law, now they have the same protection as conventional creative photographs, with a shorter protection time.

As a result we have to assume that aerial imagery sources are now covered by conventional copyright, which includes creating derivatives. This means we have to review all such Swiss sources with an eye to this change, in particular this will require getting statements from the rights owners that they claim no rights in digitized data generated from the images (as we typically don't distribute the images themselves, this is really the relevant aspect).

I'm opening this issue so that we can work through this systematically, and intend to produce a template letter and form that we can use to get the relevant permission if required.

Obviously some sources are already OK (Canton Zürich for example with CC0 imagery), the list currently only contains the "larger" sources, naturally the smaller ones need to be reviewed too, but that can wait a bit.

rbuffat commented 3 years ago

@simonpoole Is there already a template/outline available? If not, I should have some time next weekend to start with a draft. Although I have to say I'm not the best writer.

simonpoole commented 3 years ago

Haven't produced anything yet. I would suggest going through the list first in any case, iirc for example Aargau should be fine too as I believe I asked the specific question at the time.

rbuffat commented 3 years ago

We could also add swisstopo to the list. From their open data FAQ:

Braucht es bei der Verwendung von swisstopo Geodaten eine Quellenangabe? Ja. Die Nutzungsbedingungen erlauben eine freie Nutzung für alle Zwecke. Sie verpflichten aber die Nutzenden zu einer Quellangabe.

Brauche ich für die Datennutzung eine OGD-Lizenz? Und wenn ja, welche? Die Nutzung von Creative Commons Lizenzen, wie sie heute üblich und allgemein verbreitet sind, ist nicht vereinbar mit den gesetzlichen Grundlagen (GeoIG, GeoIV). Die Geodaten von swisstopo werden mit Nutzungsbedingungen abgegeben, welche den gesetzlichen Grundlagen entsprechen. Die Nutzungsbedingungen erlauben eine freie Nutzung für alle Zwecke und verpflichten die Nutzenden zu einer Quellangabe

Unter welcher Lizenz werden die Geodaten von swisstopo abgegeben? Die Geodaten von swisstopo werden mit Nutzungsbedingungen abgegeben, welche den gesetzlichen Grundlagen entsprechen. Die Nutzungsbedingungen erlauben eine freie Nutzung für alle Zwecke und verpflichten die Nutzenden zu einer Quellangabe.

simonpoole commented 3 years ago

We don't know yet what the actual terms will be (well we gave some feedback on some early stuff), so right now it is completely open if we will actually be able to use them.

simonpoole commented 3 years ago

@rbuffat just to keep this updated, see https://github.com/cividi/geohackmin/discussions/31

rbuffat commented 3 years ago

Tomorrow is a press conference, maybe they give some more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0INw8OjKJvI&feature=youtu.be

Would be a shame if the swissimage and swissalti3d relief could not be used.

rbuffat commented 2 years ago

Canton Thurgau: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Canton_Thurgau_Geodata Canton Bern: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Canton_Berne_Geodata