osmose-model / osmose-web-api

Web service that generates Osmose configuration files from data sources like Fishbase and SeaLifeBase. Used by https://www.config.osmose-model.org .
MIT License
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move fb-osmose-bridge-js to https://github.com/osmose-model/osmose-model-api-js #183

Closed jhpoelen closed 5 years ago

agruss2 commented 5 years ago

@barriern We would like to move the fb-osmose-bridge-js developed for our bridge project/paper to https://github.com/osmose-model/ For this to happen, we would need @jhpoelen to be one of the owners of the osmose-model GitHub repository. Could you please make this happen? Thanks a lot!

agruss2 commented 5 years ago

@barriern Thanks a lot for having given ownership to Jorrit! @jhpoelen Could you please do the move? Also, when all the pre-publication steps you had identified have been implemented, could you please send me a list of all the new information I should include in the bridge paper so that we can point the reader to all the most-up-to-date GitHub respoitories, webpages, Zenodo resources, etc.? Many thanks!

agruss2 commented 5 years ago

@jhpoelen Sorry, I just saw that you have already made the move, so I can close the present issue. When all the pre-publication steps you had identified have been implemented, please send me a list of all the new information I should include in the bridge paper so that we can point the reader to all the most-up-to-date GitHub respoitories, webpages, Zenodo resources, etc. Many thanks!

jhpoelen commented 5 years ago

The osmose-web-api can be cited using https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1411483 . This automatically points to the most recent version of the osmose-web-api . The osmose-web-api-js (the javascript library) can be cited using https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1411481 . This also automatically points to the most recent version of the osmose-web-api .