osmosis-labs / beaker

Beaker helps streamlining CosmWasm development workflow.
Apache License 2.0
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Ledger support #89

Open daniel-farina opened 2 years ago

daniel-farina commented 2 years ago

I think beaker key is a great way to interact with the OS keyring but it's not the most secure due to the fact that commands can stay in the bash history not making it ideal for mainnet deployments.

One workaround is to add your key to the keyring manually and then use it instead of typing it on the bash console for example in MacOS:


If were were to wrap the osmosisd binary or use some sort of ledger crate then we could safely sign transactions with ledger. Currently in osmosisd we can do osmosisd keys add <keyName> --ledger


iboss-ptk commented 2 years ago

to battle against bash_history, I think we can make the input a prompt instead of a cli option. but ledger support definitely make sense.

daniel-farina commented 2 years ago

to battle against bash_history, I think we can make the input a prompt instead of a cli option. but ledger support definitely make sense.

Great idea 👏