osmosis-labs / isotonic

Smart Contracts for the Lendex Protocol
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Real price oracle drawing from AMM price feeds #67

Closed ethanfrey closed 2 years ago

ethanfrey commented 2 years ago

Osmosis is working on adding TWAP (time weighted average price) to the AMMs (tracking issue: https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/issues/819)

This would give a average price over last hour or 8 hours, which is much harder to manipulate than a spot price, and can be used as a reliable price for markets with significant liquidate / volume.

Once the code is ready on Osmosis, we need a module that will call into it to get the proper price for a market, using the pool for the appropriate trading pair

BirgitPohl commented 2 years ago

Blocked because: We don't yet have cosmos integration point to osmosis blockchain. Help from @ethanfrey We would like to know the status. Any updates?

ethanfrey commented 2 years ago

Yes, blocked. This will take some time to unblock.

ks-victor commented 2 years ago

Until the TWAP price fee is ready, let's use the spot price. That is okay for dev and test, but not for production.