osmosis-labs / isotonic

Smart Contracts for the Lendex Protocol
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Create osmosis blockchain inner network #87

Open migmeneses opened 2 years ago

migmeneses commented 2 years ago

The idea is to spin up an internal osmosis chain, We will call it osmosis-inner-1

migmeneses commented 2 years ago

Started a solo node-validator and is working as expected

migmeneses commented 2 years ago


migmeneses commented 2 years ago

I just finished configuring the blockchain network It will start today 2nd of March at 16:00 UTC

uint commented 2 years ago

Nice! Are you still doing something with this, or can we close this ticket? @migmeneses

migmeneses commented 2 years ago

Hey @uint just let me finish the documentation and see what I could do for block-explorer Regards

ethanfrey commented 2 years ago

Note that we can test with osmosis v7 for the basic contracts.

We will need some v8.0.0-betaX or such to do full stack tests on all the integrations.

migmeneses commented 2 years ago

Slab docs: https://confio.slab.com/topics/osmosis-inner-1-p3r5dgsp

Github docs:

migmeneses commented 2 years ago

Github docs: https://github.com/confio/isotonic-testnets/tree/main/osmosis-inner-1

migmeneses commented 2 years ago

It is done, except for the block-explorer Feel free for closure