osmosis-labs / osmosis

The AMM Laboratory
Apache License 2.0
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feat: module hash by height query #8427

Closed czarcas7ic closed 1 week ago

czarcas7ic commented 2 weeks ago

Query that exposes the per module hash at a given height, which is useful for debugging app hashes.

czarcas7ic commented 1 week ago


coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 week ago


The recent update introduces a new command module-hash-by-height that allows users to retrieve and display module hashes at a specific blockchain height. This feature is part of the cmd package within the Osmosis application's command-line interface. The new functionality assists in debugging by enabling users to query module hashes at particular heights, facilitating better insights into the application's state at those points in time.


Files Change Summary
cmd/.../module_hash_by_height.go Introduces module-hash-by-height command, functions to query module hashes, and utility for database access.
cmd/.../root.go Adds moduleHashByHeightQuery function to the root command initialization, integrating the new query functionality.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User as User
    participant CLI as CLI (osmosisd)
    participant Server as Server Context
    participant Database as Database

    User->>CLI: Run `module-hash-by-height` with specific height
    CLI->>Server: Initialize server context
    CLI->>Database: Open Database connection
    Database-->>CLI: Database Connection Established
    CLI->>Server: Query module hashes at given height
    Server-->>CLI: Return module hashes
    CLI-->>User: Display module hashes

Recent review details **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI** **Review profile: CHILL**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 4c70b0253af830a0275be0f0eb880fd0b26ae3d2 and 40c208993248462602fe49d3a65783790267531e.
Files selected for processing (2) * cmd/osmosisd/cmd/module_hash_by_height.go (1 hunks) * cmd/osmosisd/cmd/root.go (1 hunks)
Additional comments not posted (4)
cmd/osmosisd/cmd/module_hash_by_height.go (3)
`25-26`: **New function `moduleHashByHeightQuery` added.** This function is the entry point for the new CLI command to retrieve module hashes at a specific height. It is well-structured and follows the expected pattern for Cobra commands. --- `60-106`: **Function `getModuleHashesAtHeight` effectively retrieves and processes module hashes.** This function is responsible for the core functionality of fetching module hashes at a given height. It handles errors appropriately and transforms the hashes into a more readable format before sorting them. --- `108-111`: **Function `openDB` added for database access.** This utility function is a clean abstraction for opening a database connection. It uses parameters to specify the database type and location, which enhances modularity and reusability.
cmd/osmosisd/cmd/root.go (1)
`720-720`: **Integration of `moduleHashByHeightQuery` into the root command.** The new command is correctly integrated into the root command sequence. It is placed logically in the command initialization, ensuring it's available alongside other similar functionality.
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