Readers of /r/TheSilphRoad, a subreddit popular Pokemon Go players, recently posted what they believe to be evidence that the popular mobile game uses OpenStreetMap data in its game mechanics. Pokemon Go players subsequently started editing OSM to give themselves an advantage in the game, and various members of the OSM community worked to help these new mappers make useful contributions. Mapbox data team member Mano Haruss wrote an OSM diary describing how their team has spotted suspect edits likely from Pokemon Go players.
Readers of /r/TheSilphRoad, a subreddit popular Pokemon Go players, recently posted what they believe to be evidence that the popular mobile game uses OpenStreetMap data in its game mechanics. Pokemon Go players subsequently started editing OSM to give themselves an advantage in the game, and various members of the OSM community worked to help these new mappers make useful contributions. Mapbox data team member Mano Haruss wrote an OSM diary describing how their team has spotted suspect edits likely from Pokemon Go players.