osoc22 / project-knowledge-impact

Motivate and inspire researchers to keep sharing their research output and knowledge on knowledge portals such as FRIS and Biblio in a durable, qualitative, sustainable & enthusiastic way.
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mockup of poster - sample campaign #83

Open LykaCabatay opened 2 years ago

LykaCabatay commented 2 years ago

Working document for the final handout - current template


CANvA EDITABle LINK: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFG80TidV4/pmW_L4bHg9AMg9_zmUy9Zg/edit?utm_content=DAFG80TidV4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

LykaCabatay commented 2 years ago
