osome-iu / botometer-python

A Python API for Botometer by OSoMe
MIT License
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Time and frequency #48

Closed bitscott1102 closed 4 years ago

bitscott1102 commented 4 years ago

Hi Botometer,

I have two questions. I notice that time for getting the result varies. At my side, it could take 40 seconds, while my friend in Germany can have the result within 10 seconds. We both only query one account at a time. Also, it's getting slower after we do more queries. How can I fix it? I hope it's not related to my network.

Second, I noticed that the bot score of an account will change. How often do you suggest that I should update my database? Is it ok if the score is changed within 1?

BTW, I'm using a pro account.



filmenczer commented 4 years ago

The latency depends mostly on the load of the server. It should get better once we migrate to a new server, something we have been working on.

Scores may change because they are based on the latest 200 tweets. It is up to you to decide if you need to update a score based on your application case.

I do not understand the last question ("Is it ok if the score is changed within 1?").

bitscott1102 commented 4 years ago

oh, I mean that the change in score is less than 1. Like it's 2 out of 5 this time, while last time it was 1.1 out of 5.

Do you consider it a big on if the change is 0.9, less than 1?

Best luck on your new server!

filmenczer commented 4 years ago

It really depends on your application (and your budget)!