osompress / genesis-simple-share

Plugin: Genesis Simple Share
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Adding Custom Field Support #70

Closed admbradford closed 1 year ago

admbradford commented 8 years ago

Hey there, I just created a quick patch to allow for custom fields inside simple share. Basically allows a user to define a specific image and description per social network. This was in response to


Patch File

NicktheGeek commented 8 years ago

@admbradford thanks! I am not sure I want to muddy the usage by blanket including the additional fields but will consider it.

I think a better solution might be to make it more extensible with custom hooks and filters. This way it isn't about plugin in a specific solution but making it usable in many solutions. I'd be happy to include that kind of change.

Also, would you consider doing a pull request? That makes it much cleaner to review and merge.

Again, thanks for the work on this and helping out in the forum!