osompress / simple-social-icons

Plugin: Simple Social Icons
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Fails validation when mulitple instances on page #43

Closed carasmo closed 7 years ago

carasmo commented 7 years ago

The old version didn't use IDs but this one does, so when there are multiple instances (one in the site header and one in the footer widgets) validation fails.

bgardner commented 7 years ago

I see your point, but as far as I know, the ID's are necessary for accessibility.

bgardner commented 7 years ago

Actually, each time it is used, the widget appends a -(number) afterwards. For instance, here's what I see with multiple instances on a sandbox site:

<section id="simple-social-icons-2" class="widget simple-social-icons">

And this:

<section id="simple-social-icons-3" class="widget simple-social-icons">

Unless I'm missing something here?

bgardner commented 7 years ago

Unless you're talking about this:

<title id="social-bloglovin">Bloglovin</title>

In which case, that ID is required for accessibility.

bgardner commented 7 years ago

Interesting conversation here --> https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/issues/210

carasmo commented 7 years ago

Yes, the title id is repeating. I'm using the html5 validator. I'll read the reference.

nickcernis commented 7 years ago

I submitted a fix for this.

@rrennick @nathanrice @bgardner If you have time to review the change, I'd be grateful for the sanity check.

carasmo commented 7 years ago


bgardner commented 7 years ago

Gonna keep this open until https://github.com/copyblogger/simple-social-icons/pull/45 is officially merged.