osozzz / WorkSphere

Repository for the 5th challenge called Networking in the subject "Software Engineering". The team is conformed by Juan Pablo Betancourt, Esteban Salazar, Samuel Santamaria and Alejandro Osorno and the tutor is Paola Andrea Noreña.
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Edit Account #7

Open osozzz opened 2 months ago

osozzz commented 2 months ago

User Story: Account Editing


Account Editing


As a registered user, I want to be able to edit my account information, such as my personal details and password, so that I can keep my account up to date and secure.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Access to Account Editing:

    • The user should be able to access the account editing section from their profile or account settings page.
    • The section should be secure and require the user to be logged in.
  2. Editable Fields:

    • The user should be able to update the following information:
      • Name
      • Email address
      • Phone number (optional)
      • Address (optional)
      • Password
    • The email address should be validated to ensure it is in the correct format.
    • The password should enforce security requirements, such as length and complexity.
  3. Save Changes:

    • After making edits, the user should have the option to save changes.
    • If the user changes their email address, a confirmation email should be sent to the new address, requiring verification before the change is finalized.
    • If the user changes their password, they should be prompted to enter their current password for verification before the change is accepted.
  4. Error Handling:

    • If required fields are not filled out correctly or do not meet validation criteria, the user should receive an error message indicating what needs to be corrected.
    • If the current password entered during a password change is incorrect, the user should be notified and the password update should not proceed.
  5. Confirmation of Changes:

    • Upon successful updates, the user should receive a confirmation notification on the platform and/or via email, depending on the nature of the changes.

Definition of Done:

Additional Notes: