ospaceteam / outerspace

Outer Space is turn-base 4X multiplayer on-line strategy game.
GNU General Public License v2.0
20 stars 9 forks source link

Research Info page wrong or incomplete #270

Open dahaic opened 5 years ago

dahaic commented 5 years ago

Battle Tag reports bonus to Combat defense, when in reality it boosts combat attack. Space Port/Space Docks .. do not show Repair Ratio and Upgrade points.

temuchin- commented 5 years ago

screw my last update, just read down further..... line numbers are off by 2 (see above fix)

--------------------------------------------------ORIGINAL CODE-------------------------------------------------- 166 addAttr('missileDef', _('Missile defence'), V_SEQUIP|VEFF, 0) 167 addAttr('combatAttPerc', ('Combat defense (extra)'), V_SEQUIP|V_HULL|V_EFF, 0, default=1, convertor = percBase12Text) 168 addAttr('combatDefPerc', ('Combat attack (extra)'), V_SEQUIP|V_HULL|V_EFF, 0, default=1, convertor = percBase12Text) 169 addAttr('missileDefPerc', ('Missile defence (extra)'), V_SEQUIP|V_EFF, 0, default=1, convertor = percBase1_2Text)

--------------------------------------------------MODIFIED CODE-------------------------------------------------- 168 addAttr('missileDef', _('Missile defence'), V_SEQUIP|VEFF, 0) 169 addAttr('combatAttPerc', ('Combat attack (extra)'), V_SEQUIP|V_HULL|V_EFF, 0, default=1, convertor = percBase12Text) 170 addAttr('combatDefPerc', ('Combat defence (extra)'), V_SEQUIP|V_HULL|V_EFF, 0, default=1, convertor = percBase12Text) 171 addAttr('missileDefPerc', ('Missile defence (extra)'), V_SEQUIP|V_EFF, 0, default=1, convertor = percBase1_2Text)

temuchin- commented 5 years ago

TechInfoDlg.py update to LINE# 135 addAttr('refuelInc', ('Refuel increase percent'), V_STRUCT|V_EFF, 0, convertor = perc1002Text) ----------------------------------BEGIN INSERT---------------------------------- 136 addAttr('repairShip', ('Ship repair percent'), V_STRUCT|VEFF, 0, convertor = float) 137 addAttr('upgradeShip', ('Upgrade points'), V_STRUCT|VEFF, 0) ----------------------------------END INSERT---------------------------------- 138 addAttr('trainShipInc', ('Exp. points per turn'), V_STRUCT|V_EFF, 0, convertor = float)

after typing up the fix, had to go back and correct original dirty hack (some days I am bad at formatting, deleted old post.

temuchin- commented 5 years ago

I got annoyed at seeing the value displayed as a decimal, sooooooo, i added a function, so it can be used wherever else someone feels they need a more concise display.

61 def percBase100(value): 62 string=_('%d%%') % (value * 100) 63 return string 64

138 addAttr('trainShipInc', _('Exp. points per turn'), V_STRUCT|V_EFF, 0, convertor = percBase100) of course line 138 becomes 142 (if I suggest changes from my fork, I would not have to refer to line #'s, blegh)