ospaceteam / outerspace

Outer Space is turn-base 4X multiplayer on-line strategy game.
GNU General Public License v2.0
20 stars 9 forks source link

State of Game Balance as ofAug 2019 #287

Open temuchin- opened 4 years ago

temuchin- commented 4 years ago

W/ the current changes the three tech paths are now ranked.

  1. Human. If you want the best production able produce your enemies into oblivion , pick humans.
  2. Human. If you want the best research, pick humans. Humans at this time have no drawbacks, and if they ever reach level 4 tech w/ a semi stable empire, they win.
  3. Bionic. Decent balance early and late game. Really vulnerable mid game.
  4. Cyborg. good fire power and can do massive damage late game, nanoarmor is nice.

A) Move "Asteroid Mining," from human tech to Cyborg tech. As a good human player(as the game was and is) you only should ever use asteroid mining as a diplomacy tool for cyborgs, or just to annoy your neighbors. Cyborgs are way behind and have no methods late mid game to improve their lot in life. This change would help address that problem. B) Nerf Solar Factory / Orbital research labs (75% as useful) or C) Remove Solar Factory or remove Orbital Research Labs. D) Move Sol Fac / Orb Rsrch Labs to TL5.