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Visual Studio 2019/2022 pdb Errors On Compilation. #21

Open SimonCSmith opened 4 months ago

SimonCSmith commented 4 months ago

After using CMake GUI to generate a visual studio (2019 or 2022) solution, when building the solution in VS it will generate the following fatal errors relating to pdb generation:

fatal error C1090: PDB API call failed, error code '3'

I can't see why this is occuring - normally VS is happy with handling concurrency to a pdb file, but it does. All files have the same standard pdb location in the Config->C/C++->OutputFiles->Program Database File Name of: $(IntDir)vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion).pdb that any regulat VS solution would set.

My workaround (which should not be needed) is to change this macro to: $(IntDir)%(Filename)_vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion).pdb to make each file generate its own pdb file. This has the unfortunate knockon on slowing compilation right down as it also seems to suppress the parallel building of c++ files.

There must be something that is being set (or not set) by cmake to cause this.

CMakeGui: v3.28.1 HDOOspray 1.0.0-usdv32.02 Visual Studio 2019 or 2022