ospray / hdospray

Rendering plugin for Pixar's USD Hydra
Apache License 2.0
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Building Win10+MSVS2019+H18.5Py37 #9

Closed iqch closed 8 months ago

iqch commented 2 years ago

I've built this configuration. Everything works nice finally, but cmake files should be corrected a bit to pass all build automatically.

  1. First - it lacks paths to tbb libraries for OSPRay superbuild components, which require it. To be honest - they should be built over Houdini tbb, but some components can find tbb somewhere else, some - lack it at all. I decide not invent too much and compose API-folder from houdini's tbb headers/libs, placed it separately and add -DTBB_ROOT= clause to these components config-rule custom build step
  2. root superbuild solution which produces two nested solution for ospray itself and hydra delegate lacks correct paths to tbb too, I fixed it manually with same method. For OSPRay it was almost all it need to be build - except of some strange fnot-found binaries, which it tries to copy during install ospray itself - I just erase these lines. I suspect they were dedicated to tbb.
  3. hdOspray have some issues with absence of usd, python, hboost and OIIO libraries pointed. After correction - everything builds silently.
  4. There is some components like oidn and embree3 already built in houdini. Is it a good idea to use them prebuilt to save time? I prepared some screenshots with more detailed description, if you need them. Thank you, anyway, I spend just 3 hours to figure and build this nice and fast module. To figure with hdCycles I spend about a weeek :)
carsonbrownlee commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear it's running on Windows, which we don't test against currently. tbb should be built by default by the superbuild script using flag "DOWNLAD_TBB", are you not seeing a built tbb showing in your install directory? It's a good point to use houdini's existing tbb to avoid conflicts when USE_HOUDINI is enabled. The tbb location should be set to the superbuild install location by "-DTBB_PATH=${TBB_PATH}" set in scripts/superbuild/cmake/ep_ospray.cmake file. Can you please copy and paste the errors you were seeing with #3?

iqch commented 2 years ago

I can leave some screenshots

starting conditions

starting conditions

cmake altering


configure rules altering

configure rules altering

why these field has such values?

why these field has such values?

that clause had no effect

that clause had no effect

reason of failing ospray install

reason of failing ospray install

additional library path setup for hdospray itself

additional library path setup for hdospray itself

required houdini libs for hdospray

required houdini libs for hdospray

more houdini libs for hdospray

more houdini libs for hdospray

possible to use these libs, instead of building them?

possible to use these libs, instead of building them?

as they are existed in houdini

as they are existed in houdini

carsonbrownlee commented 2 years ago

@iqch your detailed bug reports are much appreciated!

carsonbrownlee commented 2 years ago

for "cmake altering" image, why did you set superbuild_houdini_dir inside of the cmakelists file instead of through the cmake variable? Were you having issues setting it through cmake?

iqch commented 2 years ago

No, just decide to no mess too much with cmdline args

carsonbrownlee commented 8 months ago

Windows now supported and tested with working with win10 and hdOSPRay 1.0.