osrf / autodock

ROS packages for automatic docking
Apache License 2.0
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Failed execute Dock Action #9

Open vanphong97 opened 2 years ago

vanphong97 commented 2 years ago

My robot could not dock successfully. The robot oscillates and then stops Error image and my launch file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17mxb9oIhngnC1gab4QLsPD7fjn2v7lWh?usp=sharing Can someone help me with it?

LKSeng commented 2 years ago

Without more information on how the robot moves (apart from it oscillates), try setting the number of predock_tf_samples to 1.

This is based on the observation that the robot was initially able to see both markers, but after capturing the first sample, it was not able to to see fiducial_10. So we'll work with 1 sample for now.

Does the "tf" seem to lag behind what the robot camera should be seeing?

vanphong97 commented 2 years ago

My robot still can't dock successfully =(( Is there any documentation that explains what the parameters mean?

LKSeng commented 2 years ago

Looking at the RViz screenshot, and the debug messages from terminal, it looks like the robot base_link to marker is at least 2.6m away. Have you tried to docking at a distance closer to the markers?

It might be camera dependent, but I could not get docking to work reliably from 2.1m away from fiducial with a 1280x720p video.

Most of the explanation of the parameters can be found in the config .yaml file. Otherwise, issue #6 elaborates a few of the parameters.

vanphong97 commented 2 years ago

What is the accuracy of this docking method? thanks !

LKSeng commented 1 year ago

Off the top of my head, ±2cm for y-coords, and ±1cm for x-coords for a ~1m sized should be doable. Perhaps other users can chime in on their experience with the accuracy as well.