osrf / drcsim

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Fix User Guide #489

Open osrf-migration opened 9 years ago

osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by John Hsu (Bitbucket: hsu, GitHub: hsu).

ROS API User Guide tables do not display correctly in the new wiki.

I found it hard to redo the tables in markdown, but that might be because of my MD-inexperience. Or if we can host this on a server that supports html parsing.

Below is a partial convert with vi scripts...

Name Type Rate Description
/clock rosgraph_msgs/Clock Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz The current simulation time.
/rosout rosgraph_msgs/Log Varies Log messages from various parts of the system.
/rosout_agg rosgraph_msgs/Log Varies Log messages from various parts of the system, aggregated into fewer messages for more efficient transmission.
/tf tf/tfMessage Varies Coordinate transforms from various parts of the system. See the tf documentation.
/tf_static Various Varies Topics offered by
/vrc_score atlas_msgs/VRCScore 1 Hz Score data from the currently running task. Only published when using VRC practice or final worlds. wall_time and sim_time are the elapsed wall and sim time durations from the beginning of the run; the 30 minutes/run limit is enforced on the sim_time value. wall_time_elapsed and sim_time_elapsed are the elapsed wall and sim time durations from when the robot passed the first gate (this event also triggers byte-counting on the router); scoring uses sim_time_elapsed. This score data should be considered unofficial; official results will be provided by DARPA.
/vrc/bytes/remaining/downlink std_msgs/String 1 Hz How many downlink/uplink bytes remain for the currently running task. Only published when running in the practice or competition configuration, using cloud computing resources (it is published by the vrc_netwatcher, which runs on the router).
/atlas/controller_statistics atlas_msgs/ControllerStatistics 1 Hz Timing information about the per-joint controllers, for debugging. This message tells you the age of the command messages received on
/atlas/force_torque_sensors atlas_msgs/ForceTorqueSensors Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Data from the force-torque sensors on the feet (3-axis: z-linear force, x and y-axis torques. The remaining axis values are zeros.) and wrists (full 6-axis feedback). No noise added.
/atlas/imu sensor_msgs/Imu Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Data from the IMU in the robot''s torso. As of DRCSim 2.2.x, no noise added.
/atlas/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz The current state of the robot''s joints (not including the sensor head or hands). No noise added.
/atlas/atlas_state atlas_msgs/AtlasState Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Changed in DRCSim 2.3.0. The current state of the robot; combines the data from /atlas/joint_states, /atlas/imu, and /atlas/force_torque_sensors. Note that the contents of the message changed with drcsim 2.3; the changes were made to make the message smaller than 1500 bytes to accommodate transport via UDP. Also, the topic name changed from /atlas/atlas_states to /atlas/atlas_state.
/atlas/atlas_sim_interface_state atlas_msgs/AtlasSimInterfaceState 250 Hz
/atlas/synchronization_statistics atlas_msgs/SynchronizationStatistics 1000 Hz New in DRCSim 2.6.0. Data on the controller synchronization system. Only published if the most recently received command via /atlas/atlas_command includes a non-zero value for the desired_controller_period_ms field, indicating that synchronization has been requested (see the [synchronization tutorial](Tutorials/drcsim/2.6/controller synchronization))
Multisense-SL sensor head [1]
/multisense_sl/imu sensor_msgs/Imu Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Data from the IMU in the robot''s head. Zero-mean Gaussian noise and random bias added in DRCSim 2.3.0.
/multisense_sl/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz The current state of the head''s joint (the laser spindle). No noise added.
/multisense_sl/laser/scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan Throttled at 40 Hz Data from the laser rangefinder in the robot''s head. Zero-mean Gaussian noise added in DRCSim 2.3.0.
/multisense_sl/camera/left/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Default at 30Hz, adjustable between 1 to 30Hz. Images from the left camera in the robot's head. Zero-mean Gaussian noise added in DRCSim 2.3.0.
/multisense_sl/camera/left/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Same as corresponding /multisense_sl/camera/left/image_raw. Metadata from the left camera in the robot's head. More details on the components of the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message can be found in CameraInfo Documentation. No noise added.
/multisense_sl/camera/right/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Default at 30Hz, adjustable between 1 to 30Hz. Images from the right camera in the robot's head. Zero-mean Gaussian noise added in DRCSim 2.3.0.
/multisense_sl/camera/right/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Same as corresponding /multisense_sl/camera/right/image_raw. Metadata from the right camera in the robot's head. More details on the components of the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message can be found in CameraInfo Documentation. No noise added.
/multisense_sl/camera/(various) See stereo_image_proc Approximately less than 10Hz (limited by CPU load). Camera data from the robot's head is fed into stereo_image_proc, which in turn publishes various topics. For more details on the various parameters and topics published by the stereo_image_proc, please see stereo_image_proc documentation.
Sandia hands
/sandia_hands/l_hand/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz The current state of the joints in the robot's left hand. No noise added.
/sandia_hands/l_hand/imu sensor_msgs/Imu Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Data from the IMU in the robot's left hand. Noise and bias added in DRCSim 2.3.1.
/sandia_hands/l_hand/tactile_raw sandia_hand_msgs/TactileRaw Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz New in DRCSim 2.6.0. Data from the tactile arrays in the robot's left hand. No noise added. See this spec sheet for tactile sensor locations on the hand. TactileRaw message fields: f0: index finger, f1: middle finger, f2: little finger, f3: thumb, palm: palm. Tactile sensors on finger have an array of size 18. Index 0~5 corresponds to bottom-half of finger, and index 6~17 corresponds to top half. The output value of each sensor is within the range from 26500 to 33500. The lower bound, 26500, means zero or minimal force feedback.
/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/left/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Default at 30Hz, not adjustable.
/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/left/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Same as corresponding image topic (/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/left/image_raw)
/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/right/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Default at 30Hz, not adjustable.
/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/right/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Same as corresponding image topic (/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/right/image_raw)
/sandia_hands/l_hand/camera/(various) See stereo_image_proc Approximately less than 10Hz (limited by CPU load).
/sandia_hands/r_hand/joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz The current state of the joints in the robot's right hand. No noise added.
/sandia_hands/r_hand/imu sensor_msgs/Imu Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Data from the IMU in the robot's right hand. Noise and bias added in DRCSim 2.3.1.
/sandia_hands/r_hand/tactile_raw sandia_hand_msgs/TactileRaw Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz
/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/left/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Default at 30Hz, not adjustable.
/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/left/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Same as corresponding image topic (/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/left/image_raw)
/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/right/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Default at 30Hz, not adjustable.
/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/right/camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Same as corresponding image topic (/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/right/image_raw)
/sandia_hands/r_hand/camera/(various) See stereo_image_proc Approximately less than 10Hz (limited by CPU load).
Development aids (not available during competition)
/atlas/debug/l_foot_contact, geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped Once per physics update, default 1000 Hz Contact forces and torques on the left foot (l_foot_contact) and right foot (r_foot_contact) of Atlas
/drc_vehicle/brake_pedal/state, std_msgs/Float64 20 Hz (set in ros/atlas_msgs/ DRCVehicleROSPlugin.cpp) Current brake pedal state from 0 (no brake applied) to 1.0 (100% braking applied). See the drc_vehicle tutorial and golf_cart tutorial.
/drc_vehicle/direction/state, std_msgs/Int8 20 Hz (set in ros/atlas_msgs/ DRCVehicleROSPlugin.cpp) Current state of direction switch with -1: Reverse, 0: Neutral, 1: Forward. See the drc_vehicle tutorial and golf_cart tutorial.
/drc_vehicle/gas_pedal/state, std_msgs/Float64 20 Hz (set in ros/atlas_msgs/ DRCVehicleROSPlugin.cpp) Current gas pedal state from 0 (no gas applied) to 1.0 (100% gas applied). See the drc_vehicle tutorial and golf_cart tutorial.
/drc_vehicle/hand_brake/state, std_msgs/Float64 20 Hz (set in ros/atlas_msgs/ DRCVehicleROSPlugin.cpp) Current hand brake state from 0 (no brake applied) to 1.0 (100% braking applied). See the drc_vehicle tutorial and golf_cart tutorial.
/drc_vehicle/hand_wheel/state, std_msgs/Float64 20 Hz (set in ros/atlas_msgs/ DRCVehicleROSPlugin.cpp) Current angle of the steering hand wheel in radians. See the drc_vehicle tutorial and golf_cart tutorial.
/drc_vehicle/key/state, std_msgs/Int8 20 Hz (set in ros/atlas_msgs/ DRCVehicleROSPlugin.cpp) Current state of key switch with 0: Off, 1: On, -1: Error state requiring direction switch to be placed in Neutral before gas torque can be applied. See the drc_vehicle tutorial and golf_cart tutorial.
/ground_truth_odom nav_msgs/Odometry 100 Hz (specified in ros/atlas_description /urdf/atlas.gazebo) Ground truth pose of atlas pelvis.
osrf-migration commented 9 years ago

Original comment by John Hsu (Bitbucket: hsu, GitHub: hsu).