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"No TF data" in rviz when running ros_depth_camera tutorial #139

Open FSund opened 3 years ago

FSund commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to follow the ros_depth_camera tutorial, but having some issues when trying to visualize in RViz.

I launch gazebo via roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch, add my model and run rosrun rviz rviz, but I get "No TF data" under Global Status/Fixed Frame, so I'm unable to visualize the PointCloud2.

rosrun tf2_tools view_frames.py also reports "no tf data received", and the /tf and /tf_static topics are not showing any messages.



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
  <model name="kinect_depth">
    <pose>0 0 0.036 0 0 0</pose>
    <link name="link">
      <collision name="collision">
            <size>0.073000 0.276000 0.072000</size>
      <visual name="visual">
      <sensor name="camera" type="depth">
        <plugin name="camera_plugin" filename="libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect.so">
          <!-- Keep this zero, update_rate in the parent <sensor> tag
            will control the frame rate. -->
martinerk0 commented 3 years ago

You need to type camera_link in Fixed Frame in Global options.

FSund commented 3 years ago

That is obvious to me now that I have some more experience with ROS, but it was not clear from the tutorial at the time. Perhaps a notice about this should be added to the tutorial?

martinerk0 commented 3 years ago

I agree. Also why is camera in rviz pointing upwards? There are 5 Q/A hacks doing multiple links / using static transform but people doing tutorials should not google this for hours.